Chapter Two


 For some reason, Patton insisted on Anxiety meeting Logan first. He didn't mind at all, but he was a little skeptical on how the emotional side did his decision making. 

 He had lead him down a long hallway full of plenty of rooms, one he was hoping was his. Oddly, it wasn't odd to think that one wouldn't be there for him. He shook his head, trying his best for his negative thinking to leave. How come he couldn't think of anything even remotely hopeful?

 It was weird, he had gone from barely even being a part of Thomas to becoming a person in his mindspace. Every little thing made him want to panic, but he somehow felt so used to bottling it up although never doing it before. 

 He was taken from his thoughts when he saw a hand wave in front of his face, he gained his attention back, only to see a side that looked very familiar to Patton in front of him. He wore a tie, and of course the same glasses as well. 

  The new side bit his lip, taking a pencil from behind his ear and writing in a notepad in his hand. "Hm. Interesting. He seems to be fully aware, so I suppose that is good." 

 Anxiety blinked in unison, confused as to what the other was really talking about. Patton could sense his confusion, so he decided to speak up. "Anxiety...this is Logan! Logan, Anxiety!"

 Before Anxiety could shake his hand and formally introduce himself, Logan stopped point blank. "You're Anxiety?"

 The question immediately made him sink down further into his hoodie, nodding his head. The logical side sighed, shaking his head. Anxiety's heart beat speed up instantly, he didn't...understand what was happening. All he knew was that he wanted to just cry. Hide in a ball. Maybe even fall down a cliff just, not this.

 Patton frowned, not taking much notice in how the anxious side was acting. "Logan! What's wrong with him being Anxiety?"

 Logan squeezed the space between his eyebrows, stress suddenly hitting him, worry as well. "It's not...Anxiety's fault particularly, but, Anxiety isn't a very good thing. Especially for Thomas."

 Patton continued speaking to Logan, but everything was drained out to Anxiety. All he heard was muffled voices, and all he could do was assume the worst of what they were saying. Out of all the personality types there were, he just had to be anxiety? Could he go back to being almost nothing once more?

 Suddenly, a pair of hands were taking a hold of his face, wiping at his cheeks. Anxiety blinked once more, clearing his vision from what seemed to be...tears. Patton sat in front of him, smiling. "Kiddo, just calm down buddy. What's wrong?" 

 Anxiety looked around, blush coating his face with out even realizing it. To his surprise, the only thing to see the logical trait behind Patton with a rather concerning look on his face. Believe it or not, it wasn't Logan's intention to make the other upset. He just wanted them both to know that in order to be capable of surviving in the mindspace, you have to be careful of overdoing your own traits. No matter who it was. Though, he could admit that it was worse to overdose on Anxiety than logical thinking, he wasn't much good at explaining those sort of things.

 Anxiety sniffled, wiping at his own face. "Yeah... I- I'm okay. What...just happened?" For some reason, he felt afraid of his own question.

 Logan looked around a bit, then made his way over to his desk. He flipped through some pages of his notes before speaking, "That was known as a 'mini panic attack', which was what I was trying to get to before. We just need to be careful, that's all." 

 Patton smiled, wiping at the younger's cheek. "No need to cry!"

 The darker side chuckled, smiling back. He looked to Logan with nervousness on his face. "Even though I panicked a bit um...I'm happy I get to meet you."

 Logan went wide eyed, but quickly went back to normal. He felt...guilty for some reason. Had he made him upset?

 Sure, it was odd having a side like Anxiety around. Morality...was well, basically emotions, and Roman was just creativity. For himself, he was just the logical side of the brain. They never had any real worries, and Logan was just afraid that they would soon come.

 He let go of those thoughts, deciding not to feed into his sometimes overbearing emotions. "As to you...Anxiety." He spoke, a smile on his face as well.

 With that, Patton grabbed a hold of Anxiety's hand, practically pulling him out of the room. They both laughed, "Come on! Let's find Princey!" 

 As they both left, door shutting behind them, Logan couldn't help but to notice the happiness in Patton's voice when he was around the other. 

 Surely if he made Patton laugh like that, and become so...heartwarming, he would be a helpful and productive side, right?

