8 'He is weird so he must be autistic'

Sure, we autistic people can be weird but that doesn't mean that everyone you know who is weird is also autistic. It also does not mean that all people with autism act weird. There are in fact a lot of other things people could be or have no disorder and just act a little strange.

I will give you an example from my real life:

Not so long ago I was having lunch with two of my friends from university. One of them started talking about her stepbrother who is 15 years older than her and she barely sees. She said that he was always dressed in weird clothes and played a lot of video games. She ended the sentence with: 'He is probably autistic because he is weird.' I didn't want to start a discussion beacause I wasn't really in the mood for it so I just reacted with: 'Yeah, probably.' With just the right amount of sarcasm in my voice.

The problem is that people connect weirdness with autism. These friends don't know I am autistic and they wouldn't describe me as weird. So why do people always assume they can just look at someone and know whether they have autism or not? That's just not the case. I know there are many people out there just hiding it and people will never know they have it. And yet I constantly hear people saying: 'He acts strange, so he is probably autistic.'
