Ohm's p.o.v

"Oi," I fell in love with my junior.  He is a freshman and I'm in my 2nd year. I don't think I deserve to be his mentor but the day I bumped into him. I knew I had to keep him close to me.

I was walking to the parking lot with my head hung low so I didn’t see anyone coming. Suddenly some guy bumped into me and fell on his back. People around me started screaming my name. Because they know something that the freshmen Won't know. That guy was looking around and finally looked at me. Wow! Such a cute face. I love how his eyelids are shaped. His eyes are a bit... Different. He quickly got up and bowed down while rubbing his butt. Aww, it must've hurt him. I acted strict with him that day but I knew I wanted to get to know him. He is a bit different.  I felt a connection when we talked. I feel like We'll click in no time.

I kept looking for more opportunities to talk to him but there was no way. I shared it with my best friend chimon and he gave me the idea to request the dean to make me his mentor.

"Sir I promise I'll take care of him. I know I might not be as good as the seniors but let me do it, please. I want to learn more" these are the words teachers like to hear. Dean looked pleased and permitted me to be his mentor. He can't say no to me because of my connection. 

I saw him coming inside the cafeteria. I acted like I Didn't see him and bumped into him. He again fell on his butt. He got up and rubbed his butt again. He is so cute. We sat down and talked for a moment then I revealed that I'm his mentor. He seemed confused at first but didn’t want me to change his mentor so I guess my plan worked.

I Don't know why but I wanted to spend a lot of time with him. I wanted to be with him. So I asked him to go on a date with me and he said he was busy. I think It's too early to tell him that he got my attention. 

I like everything about him other than the fact that he still calls me p'ohm. He doesn’t use honorifics with chimon. They seem too close and I Don't like it. I wonder what nanon was thinking when he invited me to his house today. I am too excited.  I skipped class and went home to get ready.

Nanon's p.o.v

I just finished cleaning up and heard the door ring. I ordered food so I thought it was the delivery guy so I didn’t bother putting on my shirt. I was just wearing my shorts.  I opened the door and immediately closed it. IT WAS OHM! AND I WAS HALF NAKED! I quickly wore my shirt and opened the door.

"Sorry sorry sorry sorry ohm. Please Don't mind. I panicked and closed the door in your face"

"Thank you for your awesome welcome"

"Please come in. " I moved aside and let ohm in. Ohm came inside and sat down on the sofa. He was looking around and admiring my room. It's small but has everything.

"Is that your family picture? " he pointed at the big picture frame on my wall.

"Yes. It's my mom and dad. My dad is a Professor and my mom is a chef so that's why their outfit looks like this. "

"Oh, nice. You were so cute back then" ohm said and turned his face to look at me.

"Am I not cute anymore?"

"You are" I Didn't realize I voiced my thoughts out loud. And ohm even replied to it. I got flushed and turned my back to him. I went inside the kitchen and made tea for ourselves. When I got back to the bedroom he was talking to someone with his back facing toward me.

"Really? Did they find out? I hope my nong Won't find out... Yeah, I'm in his house. " me? What is it that he hopes I Won't find out? Does he have any secrets? Ohm turned around and had a shocked face on his face.

"Oh nanon. "

"Come here ohm. Let's have some tea" ohm hung up and sat with me. We talked about random stuff but my mind kept wondering what is it that he wants to hide. Currently, we were talking about our family.

"I'm not that close to my family.  I Don't really like how rich people act. They are hypocrites.  Though I took advantage of it when I asked the dean if I can be your mentor. "

"Why did you do that ohm? I mean... You could've mentored anyone but why me?" ohm smiled dearly and sat closer to me. I noticed ohm never goes this close to anyone other than me. He really likes to talk with his face close to mine.

"Because I wanted to protect you. I Don't know if you’ve heard but freshers get bullied by their mentors a  lot. When you bumped into me the first day I decided I was gonna protect you. " ohm touched my cheek with his hand and caressed it.

"Thanks, ohm... You are a great senior.  I'm glad you are protecting me. I'm glad that you Don't put too much pressure on me even though I'm lazy and forget stuff" ohm was smiling warmly at me. He held my hand and started stroking the back of it.

"Nanon...  Can I get a hug?" I didn’t waste any more time and just pulled him in a warm hug. He was bulky.  His muscular body was perfect to hug. We hugged each other and patted each other's back for quite some time. It was getting weird as none of us pulled back.

"How long are we gonna hug?"

"I wish I could hug you all my life" huh? What did he just say? He is so cute.

"Me too ohm. You are such an amazing person" ohm finally pulled back and I noticed his ears were red. He couldn’t make eye contact with me. I guess he was shy.
We talked a lot and worked on the script together. We were acting the characters and making the play. We were so lost in our work that we Didn't even realize what time it was. I went to the kitchen to grab a bottle of water and my eyes fell on the clock. It was 12 o clock.

"OHM! SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT. IT'S ALREADY 12 O CLOCK! THE DOOR IS CLOSED NOW!" I was panicking. I rushed to ohm but he seemed fine. He Doesn't realize what living in a dorm means, does he?

"It's okay I'll stay here tonight and go back home tomorrow morning. I Don't have morning classes. " I calmed down watching his calm face.

"Oh... It's already late. We Didn't even have dinner. What do you wanna eat? I'll make it for you" ohm said he doesn’t like to eat at night but as he was hungry he would like some noodles.  I got to work as soon as possible and ohm was watching me cook.

"What is your favorite cartoon character nanon? I heard we act like our favorite cartoon characters as we have watched them our entire childhood. "

"I Don't have any favorites but I used to have a crush on Hatori from ninja Hatori. " ohm burst out laughing and said "is he your ideal type? "

"Don't tease ohm!"

"Wow I never thought you are gonna have a crush on a cartoon character that had his body all covered up and he is a child too"

" shut up ohm!" nanon warned ohm. Ohm was having a bit too much fun teasing nanon. Nanon just knew that ohm is gonna tease him about it forever.

"What is your favorite cartoon character then?" ohm suddenly stopped laughing. He started to act like he Didn't hear me.

"Ohm! Just say it!"

"Barney" now it was my time to laugh. "At least I liked a human character, not a dinosaur "

"I know! I liked it way too much! I even wrote fanfictions about us" I couldn’t believe my ears. Is he pansexual or what? Liking a dinosaur! 

"do you mind if I ask you if you are pansexual? " ohm nodded.

"if theres a hole there's a goal. All though I planned to hide this side of me from you. you still found out my guy! "I burst out laughing. Is that what he was trying to hide? Why though?

"Okay okay.  Enough laughing now get back to your work" ohm hid his face with his hands. I teased him some more and plated the food. We ate and talked some more. It seems like we have a lot we Don't know about each other. He is my mentor and I've known him for some months now but I never knew he had an older brother. I knew more about chimon than him.

Ohm took a shower and came out wearing the clothes I gave him. He sniffed it and smirked like a total pervert.

"You smell good nanon... Ahh... I feel drunk by the smell"

"You pervert. There's no goal here! " I smiled and looked at my bed... There is a problem.  This little room does not have a bedroom.  You are in the bedroom as soon as you open the front door. And the floor is all messed up by us working on the script.  My bed is another Problem... It's a single bed. If we both sleep here then we are gonna be in a weird position the whole night. I mean... I would like that but what about him?
