His First Crush


      The small TV in Peter's apartment complex plays one of his favorite Star Wars movies; Return Of The Jedi.

After coming home from the hospital, him and Madeline finished up the Chemistry project they were assigned for at school. Now, papers litter the couch and coffee table.
They later on decided to lay around the rest of the night. Aunt May was talking to the doctor over the phone in the other room about prescription medication—which is something Peter desperately didn't want since he knows he'll heal faster than expected. Even the doctor was surprised he was up and walking around.

It is now 11 at night and Peter sits with a bowl of half eaten popcorn in his lap. His back feels a bit better now that Aunt May gave him some mild painkillers.

Peter realizes how quiet Madeline has been the past 30 minutes. Which is surprising since he recently found out she's a total geek when it comes to space movies. Another thing to love about her.

His attention is drawn toward a cuddled up Madeline who sleeps soundly on the opposite end of the couch. He can hear a few quiet snores come from her which makes him smile.

Peter gets up from the couch slowly so that he doesn't disturb her and goes over to one of the storage cabinets in the hallway. He looks inside to find towels and other useless junk. He spots an oversized fleece blanket and tugs it from the crowded shelf.

Unfolding it, he glances over at a nearby mirror hanging on the wall. His hair is a still a bit wet from the shower he took earlier on. Avoiding his cuts and stitches was the hardest part though. He fluffs his hair a bit, trying to make it seem somewhat okay, and turns off the lights to the kitchen and hallway.

Placing the blanket on top of Madeline, he sees the goosebumps that form on her arms. She snuggles into the pillow she's laying on and Peter holds his breath so that he doesn't make a sound.

He knows she's had a long day; seeing her brother for the first time in 6 months, seeing a car explode in front of her, having to wait and sit in the hospital with his Aunt—who knows what they were talking about. Hopefully nothing embarrassing about him.

And at the hospital, her and Peter waited outside for May's car to pull around. Madeline took the time to call her father back. He answered, but it wasn't the kind of talk she was hoping for. He said he didn't want to see her for the night since she disobeyed his rules about bringing Peter to the labs.
So, having yet another crazy idea, Peter invited the girl over to have somewhere to rest her head.

And for now, she seemed to be peaceful for the first time today. Of course, sleep is the only good escape from an inescapable cruel reality.

Getting closer to Maddie, he eyes a pieces of white paper stuck to her head and above her eyebrow. He carefully gets down on his knees on the floor and moves away a strand of hair away from her face. He sighs quietly as he sees the cut that runs along her forehead. It's closed shut with a couple pieces of stitching tape.

"I'm sorry for leaving you alone at the restaurant...I really am an idiot for doing that.." he whispers so low so that he doesn't wake Madeline up—at least he hopes that he doesn't.

Seeing that her eyes haven't fluttered open, he quietly gets up from the floor, turns off the lamp light above her head, and turns off the TV.

Stepping to go down the hallway, his heart almost stops from a presence standing in front of him. "Jesus!" He whispers to his Aunt May–who also seemed to be startled herself.

"Sorry." She apologizes with a giggle. Her eyes have formed dark circles due to exhaustion and the glasses she uses to read sit on her head. Her brown messy hair is tied up into a bun and she's dressed in a regular tank top and pajamas.

Peter glances back at Madeline to make sure she's still asleep; and sure enough, she is.
"How's it going?" His Aunt whispers to him, motioning at the girl sleeping on the couch.

He shrugs, "Alright. She fell asleep during the movie so I was just about to head to bed."
"Right, you two have school tomorrow." May points back towards his room and Peter is about to walk past her. Instead, she quickly stops him, "Oh–I went in your room while you were out with Maddie and I saw this note along with a new bed?"
She hands Peter a small piece of folded paper. He already knows who this is from.
"Or should I say two beds?"

Good work this weekend. This is Happy's number: XXX-XXX-XXXX. Give him a call or a text if you need anything.

"I also saw that we had a recent deposit of ten thousand dollars."
"Oh—that yeah--"
"--Peter, would you care to explain why Tony Stark is giving you all of this free stuff? I mean, how does he have access to my bank account?" He fiddles with the piece of paper and shrugs,
"I actually don't kn--"
"--And why is he calling you 'Underoos'? 'Cause I'm pretty sure that's an underwear brand." Pete sighs as he runs a hand through his messy hair, his Aunt is asking way too many questions at the same time and it's making him stress out.

"I did it again didn't I?" She whispers and bites the inside of her cheek.
Peter nods looking down at the floor, "This is all from the internship May, you don't have to worry. I-I already told him I didn't want anything else. And I don't know how he deposited the money. He's a tech genius, what can I say?"
"Well that's dismaying!" May tries to keep her voice down but she notices Madeline turning in her sleep. She quickly covers her mouth and Peter's eyes widen at her. "Sorry...again."

"I'm going to bed." He announces and walks past Aunt May. His hand touches the door knob when she speaks up once again,
"Woah, woah, woah, one more question that you absolutely have to answer--"
"Just one!" She holds up her pointer finger to stop Peter from going in his room.
He lets out a small groan, "Alright—fine." His hands go up in surrender as he takes a hand off his doorknob.

"Okay. Do you...like her?" Aunt May says plainly.
Peter looks at her with confused eyes, although he isn't confused at all.

"W-what do you mean—? Maddie? That-that's crazy, I don't have to answer that."
"Oh, yes you do. Now, I'm asking you straight up, so you have to give me a straight up answer; do you like her?"
"N-not like—like in that way--" he tries to play off cooly.
"Pete, I can tell when your lying, tell me the truth--"
"--Okay!" He says a bit louder than he expected so he automatically cowers down and lowers his voice into a whisper, "I-I do...alright? I mean, who wouldn't? Now can we please drop this so I can go to bed?"

Aunt May stands in her place with her hands slightly covering her mouth in a light gasp, "Oh, Pete!" She coos, resulting in Peter squinting his nose.

She goes over to him and hugs him gently, trying not to cause his back pain, "My little boy has his first crush! I'm so happy for you!"
"Y-you don't have to make a big deal about it."
"Of course I do! This is a huge deal!" She pulls away and squeezes his shoulders, "I mean, Madeline Osborn? Peter, she's absolutely perfect for you, respectful, intelligent, not to mention very pretty--"
"--Okay, thank you, now can I please—?" Peter takes his Aunt's hands away from his aching body and motions to his room.

"Yes, yes, alright." She waves him off with a mischievous smile and Peter sighs, exhausted.

In his room, stands a twin sized bunk bed. Complete with new sheets, comforters, and pillows. His old bed is no where to be seen, probably sent to the junkyard, and his desk has been moved from the left side of the room, to the right. His posters still hang and he sees the old computers he built sitting on top of the desk. Along with a sleek, black, brand new laptop.

"Mr. Stark really went overboard with this.." he says to himself.
He eyes his bag sitting next to the desk and his heart rate elevates, Shoot, is my suit still in here?! Stark would kill me if it isn't—

After looking in between his books, he spots the red and blue suit all folded up and intact. He exhales the breath he didn't know was holding and zips up the bag, grabbing his phone from his pajama pockets also.

He opens the lock screen and sees that many people have tried to call and text him, including Ned.

Sitting on the bottom bunk of his new bed, he sighs while scrolling along the notifications. He stops when he sees two of the same ones.

Missed Call From:
Madeline Osborn
Missed Call From:
Madeline Osborn

She tried to call me? Me and my stupid ass didn't even know it.

As Peter scrolls on, he reads a text message from Ned.

Ned The 🛏:
Dude!! Did u see what happened near Oscorp?? I'm watching the news right now, people are freaking the hell out
Delivered 6:39pm
Delivered 6:44pm
Does Madeline know this happened??
Delivered 7:01pm
Delivered 7:28pm

Pete The 🍖:
Hey, it was so crazy Ned
Read at 11:12pm

Ned The 🛏:
Read at 11:12pm

Pete The 🍖:
I almost wasn't!!
Deleted 11:12pm
Last time I checked, I think I'm breathing 😂
Read at 11:12pm

Ned The 🛏:
Where have u been dude?? I texted u for hours
Read at 11:13pm

Pete The 🍖:
My bad, phone died when me and Madde went out for lunch near the tower. We saw the whole thing
Read at 11:13pm

Ned The 🛏:
Read at 11:13pm

Pete The 🍖:
Aw Ned, I didn't know u cared so much 🤗
Read at 11:14pm
We got a few scrapes but we're 👌🏻
Read at 11:14pm

Ned The 🛏:
Duh, who else am I gonna watch Criminal Minds with??
Read at 11:14pm

Pete The 🍖:
I only watch that show with u because of the forensic science behind it
Read at 11:14pm

Ned the 🛏:
And A.J. Cook 😏
Read at 11:14pm

Pete The 🍖:
....no comment.
Read at 11:14pm

Hey beautiful readers!!! I'm so very happy to announce that this book has gotten to 300+ reads! That's a lot in my view because who has time to read my horribly written books right? 😅

ANYWHO I proudly present another Snapchat manip I've made myself. It is taken when Madeline and Peter are watching their movie together:

I know it's not the BEST but I'm trying my hardest on photo editing and I'm trying to get better at it.

More manips are soon to come if you stay tuned for more chapters 🖤
Comment and Vote!
-Gossip Girl (😏)
