twenty one

** warning: this chapter has homophobic remarks so if you don't feel comfortable reading this then please skip this chapter and dm me so I can give you a friendly-er overview of what happened, thank you x **


"Oof Mark... your boy is serving visuals" Renjun whistles, leaning over almost so that his chin is hooked onto Mark's shoulder, causing them both to waddle as they walked through the corridors of their school

A proud grin makes its way onto Mark's face, "yeah, he is"

Renjun's squints at Mark before unhooking his chin so they can walk side by side, "ew, you're going all mushy on me again", the smaller warns, only to have Mark laugh at him, "but hey, what's up with that last hashtag?"

Scrolling down the post, Mark's smile only grew wider as he read the last hashtag.

"Just something we were talking about last night" He hums, watching as Renjun's face scrunches, and he mutters out a 'gross'.

"I swear you guys are like married or something" He accuses, muttering about how excessively cute they are with each other but behind his front Mark knows that Renjun is nothing but happy for him

"That's kinda hypocritical coming from you- I've seen some of yours and Jaemin's conversations"

At the mention of Jaemin, Renjun sighs, "Yeah but all Jaemin does is flirt... shamelessly" he adds, which has Mark laughing, "and it's just all for fun"

Mark furrows his eyebrows at the statement, thinking for a moment as they stop by their lockers "What you don't think he's serious?"

"No I mean... " Renjun sighs, punching in his locker code and swinging the door open, "he guessed that I wasn't really over [redacted]-"

"Did you just say [redacted] in a real life convo-"

Ignoring Mark, Renjun continues what he was saying, pulling out his art supplies tucked neatly away at the back of the locker and placing them carefully into his bag, "And he's just been trying to make me smile... he says he'll wait for me"

Mark freezes for a moment, looking at Renjun who's cheeks are dusted pink from the intimate confession, "And you say you two aren't all mushy... after admitting that you can't say anything about-!"

"Talking about your secret boyfriend, Huang?"

The unfamiliar voice causes both Mark and Renjun to spin around, backs against the lockers as they take in guy in front of them.

He was tall, taller than Mark, with dark hair and a broad build. He was Chanwoo, one of the members of Mark's basketball team.


"Mark you shouldn't be hanging around with people like him" He spits, his lip curling in disgust as his eyes scan Renjun carefully

Mark's taken back momentarily, "I'm sorry, what?" He looks at Renjun who's face is suddenly drained of colour, "What do you mean by that?"

Chanwoo takes a step closer, eyes shifting from Renjun to Mark, "He's gay..", it comes out as a snarl, one that has Renjun ducking slightly, feeling threatened by the other, "you better be careful you don't catch whatever it is he's got"

Mark stares at him in complete disbelief... is he really being outwardly homophobic... to one of Mark's friends, his captain's friends, "Being gay isn't a disease Chanwoo, it's not something you catch"

The other laughs hollowly, "Mark, you've always been too kind for your own good--"

"You don't tell me who I can and can't hang out with" Mark returns, eyes filled with mirth, "and how do you even know Ren--"

"Please" Chanwoo seizes up Renjun again, by now they've got a crowd, "I've been keeping my eye on you--"

Renjun barks out a laugh, "Thanks, but I'm really not interested"

Unfortunately Chanwoo didn't see the humour in Renjun's response for he lunges at the smaller, his arms caging Renjun against the lockers

"Get your hands off him!" Mark sees red, as he grabs Chanwoo's arm, ripping him away from Renjun, and sending his teammate stumbling backwards.

Mark's acutely aware at the size of the crowd they've attracted, but that doesn't matter right now- right now he just has to make sure Renjun is okay.

"I'm doing us all a favour here Mark, you know that"

Shaking his head Mark walks toward Chanwoo, his hand clenched into a fist out of pure anger, "If you dare lay a hand on him, or even if you look his way, you're off the team, it's as simple as that"

"You can't do that"

"Try me" the crowd around them seemed to take amusement in such a power struggle as they 'ooh'ed along, watching the scene unfold before them.

Mark didn't even spare them a glance. Turning on his heel Mark angles his body so that he's facing Renjun, eyes scanning his body making sure Chanwoo didn't leave any physical bruising.

Apparently, this was a big mistake.

"Mar--!" Renjun couldn't even get out his whole name before Mark was shoved into the lockers, his head hitting the metal with so much force, he swears he can see stars.

Chanwoo had really done it now.

Without another thought, Mark spun round, lifting up his fist and arching it swiftly so that he punches Chanwoo's cheek, the boy falling to the ground in a heap.

Mark brings his hand up to his nose where he feels warm, red liquid begin to drip, staining his shirt.

Chanwoo splutters, his own blood now also branding his clothing, "Now who knew our golden boy had it in him..?"

He was taunting Mark, encouraging him to do it again, and Mark was so tempted to take the bait, so tempted.

Chanwoo rose to his feet, albeit shakily, and advances towards Mark again, "You're going to have to excuse me for this one.. captain--"

Chanwoo lunges at Mark again, but before he could touch him, another body is suddenly between them, keeping both of them from coming into contact.

Mark's too angry to even feel relieved when he sees Jeno acting as a human shield, strongly keeping Chanwoo back by an iron grip on his shoulders.

"If there was any doubt about it before, you're definitely off the team now" Jeno confirms, pushing Chanwoo who by now has stopped fighting against him, "What's gotten into you?"

Jeno's question was aimed at Chanwoo, but as he said it he turned to look at Mark, at his best friend who now had a bloody nose.

"I was just warning Mark about hanging round with that--"

Before Mark could even make a move, Renjun wrapped his hands around Mark's arm, desperately holding him in place, whispering 'he's not worth it' over and over again, almost like a mantra.

"Mark?" Jeno calls out for his best friend and co- captain, just wanting a clean explanation on what the hell is happening.

"He attacked Jun-"

"How can you be around him knowing what he is?" Chanwoo hisses, which causes Jeno to whip his head back round to him

"What do you mean by that?" He demands, watching as Chanwoo cowers under his and Mark's gazes.

"He's gay, Jeno, he's--"

"He..." Mark watches as Jeno seems to process his words, confusion written all over his face, until his gaze finally snaps back up to Chanwoo, "how would you even know that?!"

"Everyone knows!" He bellows, and the crowd surrounding them breaks into into discussion, "Everyone knows about this secret boyfriend... and that night.. that night at the party.." that night Renjun and Jeno kissed... that night Renjun looked so utterly devastated, realising that what he actually wants- who he wants, will never want him back, "dude, he kissed you"

Mark feels Renjun go rigid by his side.

"Even if he is that's none of your business!" Jeno's got a fistful of Chanwoo's shirt, holding his steady, "You've already lost your spot on the team's lineup, if you continue you're going to go to the principle for student harassment, is that what you want? your student records to be tainted because you couldn't keep your mouth shut?!"

Enraged Chanwoo pushes Jeno off him, "Chan, just leave now" Jeno advises, watching the other as he looks past Jeno and over to Mark and Renjun, "leave"

With a huff Chanwoo takes a few steps backwards, the crowd dispersing slightly to give him room to exit.

"Class is about to start!" Jeno announces, looking over the students stood around them, "There's nothing left to see here!"

It takes a couple of minutes but sure enough the students surrounding them filter out, until there's only a few left.

"Oh Mark.." Sihyeon is by his side in an instance, paper towel in hand.

He mutters out a quick thank you as she rubs his arm gently, asking if he's feeling faint or dizzy.

Mark watches as she looks over to Jeno, who's already looking at them. She's asking a million and one questions with her eyes, and like she's doing to Mark, Jeno's telling her not to worry.

She leaves quickly after that, her and a few of her friends sprinting off towards their English class, leaving only Mark, Renjun and Jeno left- stood in the middle of the hallway.

No one speaks for a moment, as no one really knows what to say.

Mark can see that Renjun is uncomfortable, his eyes cast to the floor as he shifts his weight from one foot to the other, completely ignoring Jeno's presence.

Jeno seems to be deep in thought, his eyes cast to the droplets of Chanwoo's blood that stain the floor.

Mark clears his throat, "I'm going to take Renjun home"

Both Renjun and Jeno's heads snap up to look at Mark- both sporting very different expressions.

Renjun nods, still clinging onto Mark's arm, whereas Jeno seems to be at a loss for words.

"Wait... there's so much.. I just.." Jeno sighs, running a hand through his hair, "We have training later--"

"Training isn't really at the top of my priority list at the minute Jen" Mark snaps, before he's able to really process what he just said

"I wasn't going to say you should come" Jeno snaps back, both boys exhausted and still confused as to what just happened, "I was just going to say that I'll make an excuse for coach for you.."

Mark nods, before reluctantly apologising to his friend. They stand there for a moment, both just trying to make sense of the situation before Jeno sighs heavily, running his hands down his face before looking over Mark's shoulder.

His eyes soften and there's something there- something Mark doesn't quite recognise but then Jeno is whispering for Mark to take good care of Renjun, and from the delicate nature of Jeno's voice, all Mark can do is nod once more before taking Renjun's hand in his own ready to guide him out of the school.

They only make it a couple of steps before Renjun feels another hand snake around his wrist, pulling him back, and his eyes light up nervously as he sees that Jeno has clumsily rushed to approach him, but even with Jeno's skin against his, shame burns underneath Renjun's skin, and he diverts his gaze.

"Jeno, I don't really feel like talking to you right now--" He whispers, eyes still cast to the ground out of sheer embarrassment.

"Is this about Chanwoo... outing you...?" Jeno asks cautiously, "or is this about what he said about the party.. because Jun.." Jeno takes a couple of small steps forward, gently moving his hand up Renjun's arm soothingly so that it's resting on his upper arm, "You don't need to explain anything, look, even if you're attracted to guys, that doesn't mean you're automatically attracted to me- I'm not conceited enough to think that"

Renjun makes a noise of protest but it quickly gets cut off as Jeno's hand goes from his arm, sliding up to his shoulder, "Go back with Mark, okay? Take some time for yourself... and just know that if you ever need to talk to someone.. and Mark's busy.." Jeno jokes, which causes Renjun to roll his eyes, "I'm always going to be here for you".

Unable to form any words, Renjun nods, bowing his head so that Jeno couldn't see the tears gathering in his eyes.

Mark wraps his arm securely around Renjun before turning to Jeno, promising that he'll be at their training tomorrow, before taking off with the younger in his arms.


Mark unlocked his phone with one hand, the other occupied in Renjun's hair, gently brushing his locks, attempting to lull him to sleep.

As soon as they walked through the door to Mark's house, the elder made sure to wrap Renjun in one of his mum's softest blankets which were lying around, shuffling him over to the sofa where he then turned on the tv, flicking over the channels until he came across reruns of moomin.

Renjun doesn't even have the energy to scoff at the thought of Mark very obviously pandering to his every need, because in all honesty, in the many years in which he'd been Mark's friend, they'd never quite been as close as they are right now, and knowing that Mark was doing all this just to make him feel better made him smile.

"Hyuckie sends his love" Mark hands his phone over to Renjun who smiles softly at the array of multicoloured hearts filling the screen, then mumbling about how he'll text Donghyuck later.

Mark takes his phone back, pocketing the device after shooting Donghyuck a final text.

"You could text Jaemin?" At Mark's suggestion Renjun wiggles as he attempts, and fails, to sit up, "It might make you feel a little better-"

"You make me feel better" Renjun cuts him off, turning over so that he's looking up at Mark, "Like right now.. You put on moomin and wrap me in blankets and let me raid your food cupboards..." Renjun sighs, "I really need to thank Donghyuck"

Mark looks at him in question, but before he can ask anything Renjun begins to explain, "Before Donghyuck came into your life... we were drifting apart... we never saw each other, always busy with our different schedules.."

"Jun, I-"

"No no, hush let me finish" He looks up at Mark, eyes wavering, "And that's on both of us... but ever since Donghyuck's etched his way into your life, it's like he's brought us back together in a sense... you started opening up to me again, and I get that it's because you felt like you couldn't tell Jeno about your crush but... but I just want you to know that I'm thankful, to him, and you... I'm happy.. I have my friend back"

Mark smiles regretfully taking in Renjun's words, they really had drifted apart. He remembers Jeno, Renjun and himself sat in the formers room, laughing as none of them had a clue how to complete an assignment, and when they'd first joined Neo High, how the three of them would go out and get ice cream after a particularly grilling lesson with Mr Kim.

That was before Jeno and Mark tried out for the basketball team, before Renjun entered the arts programme, before Mark became so busy with up keeping appearances with his family, with Mina, before Renjun distanced himself from Jeno...

"A lot has happened since then" Mark muses, and Renjun reaches out to place a hand on Mark's arm- the action comforting and familiar, "I'm happy to have my friend back too"

Renjun smiles at him warmly, before going back to his blanket fort.

They'll be okay, everything will work itself out as long as they hold onto each other- Mark's sure of it.

things get a bit angsty from this point on,,, are you guys ready?
