Stories by: youngsisters
1 stories

Jessica Janae Peterson, better known as JJ, has not had a boyfriend or a crush since the eighth grade and doesn't ever plan on having another one. On September 4th a new kid shows up at Nottingham High and instead of fitting in, like new kids usually did, he isolates himself and doesn't talk. It turns out he's in all six of JJ's classes and in her first three he sits right beside her. His charm and good looks make JJ want to fall for him but memories from her childhood and eighth grade of being left and forgotten haunt her mind. JJ starts to see things about him that are out of the ordinary. He doesn't take the bus home, even though the nearest houses are three miles away, instead he walks through the woods directly across from the school. JJ notices he's falling behind in their history class and offers to tutor him. He accepts and as she gets closer to him deep and dangerous secrets are revealed that no one was ever supposed to find out. JJ has found herself twisted up in a mess of secrets and darkness that is this boy's life.

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