Stories by: regertz
85 stories
Lost in Space:

: Smith's past...And the Space Tribunal catch up with him.

34 9 0
Star Trek:

After using illegally...(Sir, knowledge should be free to all!)...Acquired genetic tech to reverse his aging, Harry Mudd sets his sights on bringing... "Mudd"...To the Galaxy through the Federation's deadliest foe. That'll show James T. Kirk. And that Burnham. And he don't like that Picard chap much either, at that, even if he hasn't met him.

88 7 6

Flying to London with older Elaine (following the action of "The Number and Address of the Beast", George (the Vampire "Say is it with a y or an I, Elaine?" "Y?" giggle... "If you're Danish, George."), tells her his idea for a new version of the lousy horror film the gang had once been eager to see...

228 23 4
What We Do etc:

Summary: Back in the regular but sort of AU universe of WWDITS, you thought the season was about Guillermo. It wasn't. (Well, in this AU anyhow.)

267 11 9

Cicelyverse tale...As the battle in LA rolls to its inevitable conclusion, William Soames Walthrop aka Spike remembers the long-forgotten best day of his existence...

4 1 0 Full

From the 1953 film...David's dream was a premotion but the actual story went a bit differently...

80 9 0
What We Do In the Shadows:

There are unexpected consequences when Laszlo seeks a new human familiar...

12.9K 104 150
The Adventures of Professor Proton, Jr.:

In my first longer ProtonJr tale, can Prof Proton Jr. aka mild-mannered Sheldon Cooper and Dr. Amy akaAmy F. Fowler save the world at Christmas...And can Proton Jr. keep that blondsob of an engineering genius Tom Swift, Jr. away from his girl?Equally important...Should Cameragirl Penny allow this thing toappear on her acting credits or just accept that all hope of a professionalcareer is gone and just enjoy while peddling her drugs?

317 50 1
Star Trek: Strange New Worlds...

Summary: Spaceman Spiff takes on the crew of the Enterprise...Note: After a recent Calvin and Hobbes meme, I just had to...

120 10 8
Game of Thrones Tales: Lannister Family Values

Summary: In an alternative universe, King Robert calls on a different old friend and brother to assist him. But whose decency, kindness, and sense of honor, while a bit different from Ned Stark's is equally strong. But are the family values of House Addams a match for the ruthless Lannisters.

1.6K 82 8
Malcolm in the Middle: The Next Gen.

Eighteen years after high school graduation, the lives of child genius and well-meaning brat Malcolm Wilkerson and his family are rather different yet surprisingly familiar.

196 9 1
Mule, Book III:

Summary: My AU version of the Asimov tale from his collection of Foundation and Second Foundation tales.As she consolidates her new Empire, the First Citizen, Magnifica Gigantica, i.e. Bobo the Clown/Musician is one step away from Galactic conquest. But that step requires the locating and defeat of Seldon's hidden Second Foundation.

134 13 3 Full
Oracle II: Bad Date

Following the events of "The Oracle", (the very crappy 1985 horror flick) medium Jennifer remains the trapped host of murderous murder victim William Graham who has developed a taste and penchant for serial killing while retaining a desire to fulfill his past life's ambitions...

375 32 1
Star Trek: The Family Sarek

Michael Burnham's return results logically in a family reunion.

9 1 0

Reimagining our Leda seestras of "Orphan Black" as reluctant Captains of the United Federation starship Enterprise when Captain Childs provides herself with an unfortunate exit. Can Sarah and co with a leetle help from Romulan-Ukrainian Commander Helena survive the Borg they were created to battle and their Section 51 creators?

561 49 1

Summary: My AU version of the Asimov tale from his collection of Foundation and Second Foundation tales.Even as civil war threatens the mighty but flawed Foundation, the Galaxy's greatest power since the Fall of the great Galactic Empire, its road to eventual triumph as the reuniting force in the Galaxy yet (supposedly) guaranteed by the quasi-mystical Seldon Plan, a mysterious warlord of a new and rapidly rising power is maneuvering to seize domination of the Galaxy in defiance of Seldon.

475 40 5 Full
The Twilight Zone:

The TZ episode featuring the rather eccentric but lovable Mr. Bevis gets a bit of tweaking...But it's still Orson Bean (worth looking up his work on YT) in the character role.

97 6 2 Full

In a dystopic future, Humanity's last hope is the visionary metropolis created by the genius of grand Administrator Sheldon Cooperson and Rotwolowitz, the inventor...But is it a paradise or a Sheldonesque version of Hell? And can a savior from the waitressing ranks of its cloned workers change its future?

1.7K 114 3
Mule, Book II:

Summary: My AU version of the Asimov tale from his collection of Foundation and Second Foundation tales. The Foundation has fallen to the mysterious Galactic conqueror, the Mule but the small band lead by the brilliant Ebling Mis seek to find Seldon's mythical Second Foundation and ally with them to destroy the Mule.

66 7 2 Full
Daughter of Rosenberg...

One year after the events of "Groom of Rosenberg" Buffy the Rosenberg Monster and her honey have returned to ask a special favor of their creators Rosenberg and Praetorius...While Tara faces the more or less Big Bad, with the inept help of two security guards...

104 31 0

In an alternate ending for Buffy TVS season 1, Anne, counterpart demon of Buffy, gets her chance...

587 55 7

Restored to Humanity but plagued by the legacy of his past, William learns that Buffy may be in the grip of her most dangerous foe. But who is villain and who is victim?

75 4 0
How I Met Your Mother:

There was a little more to the "Of Course" episode as Mr. and Mrs. Scherbatsky-Stinson relate after a chance meeting.General Note: If you prefer to stick to ending one as aired, fine by me. But they did create an upbeat alternate ending which can be viewed on the series dvd or youtubed.And oh, come on. After that Canadian rehearsal dinner and the proposal, how could Barney ever let Robin go? And you know she'd kill him first. You want "in the real world", fine...Robin's not right for him and Ted's a fool to risk his happiness over the wrong girl but the right best friend.

134 13 0

Can the courageous Princess Amy unfreeze the icy heart of the cruel Prince Sheldon Turandot? Well, she's giving it her all...In song as well as deed. The BBT takes on Turandot.

908 81 0

In a slightly AU Big Bang Theory 2017, Leonard's and Sheldon's former college advisors come to Cal Tech locked in deadly enmity. While Amy meets her most dangerous foe since her sister Charlotte went off her meds...

519 72 2
The (new) Twilight Zone:

Summary: After being used by her via telepathic bond to kill her husband, (see "Meet in the Middle) it's nebbish Phil's turn to mess with his beloved Annie's head.

3 1 0 Full