Stories by: Poketaco100
6 stories
Twists and Turns

""Boy, it must suck to get dumped before you even get a boyfriend," Flick says halfheartedly. "This isn't funny Flick, I really thought it was going to be Gray!" Noelle says with tears in her eyes. We're in the backyard laying down on the grass. I dry my tears, then decide. "I'm over him. Time to look for someone new.""Great! Hmm. I know! How about my cousin's brother? You kept blushing when you saw him at our family reunion." "That big fart? No way. Didn't he try to kill you by suffocating you under a million pillows?""Oh yeah... .nope. My best friend is not going out with him." "I hope Gray knows I hold grudges for five years before even talking.""That's an exaggeration. Remember that time I covered your strawberries with chocolate and ate them? You forgave me the next day.""You're my best friend.""Well, fine, if you believe you're over him, you can go out with Blair's brother Kae.""Not in a million years!" "Well, me too. But I think you've still got the hots for Gray...""Shut up. Well, maybe just a little. How about this. If Gray does at least one big and nice thing for me within the course of the next three days, I'll let you off the hook and try getting him back,""Hmmm. You hate getting embarrassed.""You're my best friend, so I expect you to support me." I say teasingly."Ok then." "Time starts now!"" This is the complicated beginning of a complicated series...I hope you like it (: I will add a chapter every friday if I can!!!

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Bee and bees

Littlewood Hive was always a safe hive, until one day, when a large four-legged creature(Guess who!)build a wooden hive called Bee Villa Hive nearby. Most of the bees moved into this new, sturdy structure- -But two, Ginger and Basil, were abandoned at Littlewood. It dosn't take long before the originally Littlewood bees find it's just a trick- a stronger but colder home, and each day, the fourleg reaches in and steals half of the honey made that day. Soon, the hive begins to starve- and the abandoned bee must survive a human mile long journey to the Bee Villa.Hi!!!! I will update story every second friday each month! If I get more views I will update quicker!!

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The door

Almost five years ago, Cassie woke up in an enchanted forest. She found friends and foes, but one night, she is sent back to our modern, human inhabited universe. She's spent most of her life looking for a way back, and soon, she finds it a door leading there. But once she returns, she sees that a lot of things have changed, and it's up to her to turn things back to normal.

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No, this is not about fireflies! It's about a cat named firefly. "Firefly, a 2 month old wildcat, held her breath. The wolf was near. He dipped his snout to the floor to search for a scent. Firefly tried to take cover under a nearby fern, then ran, but she tripped over a twig and fell with a thump. The alpha wolf looked up and began to chase her. Firefly did her best to keep in front of the big white alpha male but tumbled over big leaves and stones. She found a low-hanging fern and climbed underneath one of the looser, bigger leaves. The leaves hid her scent as the wolf passed by cluelessly. This was Karma, the leader of the frost pack. They hunted young cats from the cats group that lived in the forest nearby. Firefly was not part of a cat group, which are called Clowders. Clowders were rare, as most cats were solitary. Firefly, on the other hand, was not one of those solitary cats. Well, kind of. Her father, which Firefly did not know the name of, was a solitary. Solitary cats were much more common and still are, and most animals around this area knew there was a skulk living here. He left when Dove died.Firefly's mother, Dove, had died already, but she was an honored cat and used to belong to the Rain Clowder. She was also part of the center cat patrol, the protector of the central sun forest.This meant Firefly had a choice. To become a solitary or claim her place as Dove's daughter- which was what she was leaning on. "

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I'll always have your back : a royai fanfic

A High school royai storyRiza secretly likes roy, but there's competition...

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The noob kingdom

The Noobs live in Noobyville, just west of the seaside cliffs. Noobyville was a peaceful place- until one day when attacks from the Evil Kwizzes and Enchantress Charleen.The noobs must form and army to return things to normal!!

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