Stories by: AriannaKro
4 stories
A collection of Thoughts and Words

I'm sorry if this all sounds strange, if it's just a mix of random words and thoughts. In all honesty it is just a canvas onto which these letters have been thrown. I have named it a collection when really it is a puzzle, a guessing game. It is a game in which a word is said and the words following after are the ones that entered my mind when I heard it. And so we start with A and go all the way to Z, ending each letter with a sentence describing what it means to me. And so excusing the mess a journey begins as you scroll below.

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Dead Inside

A Percy Jackson fan fiction.

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And then she was alone. Alone in a sea of rushing people, who she didn't know. Alone among the screams of terror echoing through the skyscrapers that loomed above her and suddenly she felt that nothing mattered anymore because the few things that had were gone and were never coming back, no matter how much she wanted them too. So she screamed, she screamed in anguish and grief, letting all the emotions she felt that second pour into that single scream. The last sound she would make. When her throat felt too soar to continue, she let out a sob and tears streamed down her face as she fell to a heap on the floor. Then the crowded sea of people rushed around her once more and she was just another shadow blending in.

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Former Glories

I'm not very talented at writing descriptions so I'm sorry, but just read the prologue to see if you would like my book.

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