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Category: Paranormal
"I was never there"..... he tried his best to tell that he's not the culprit.

"Why The hell did you stab him?"... she again asked
"I already said I was never there!"....

"Oh well I see.... Then who stabbed him ? hope you won't regret this"... she claimed her anger and took her leave with fast pace..... Anger was taking over but she kept herself calm.... but she stopped as he raised his voice .

" Listen , I didn't stab . The one who'll answer this is in operation theatre . He's the one who'll answer ."

What happened?!... what's going on?!...
It's a story of girl leading a normal life but their life takes an unexpected turn and make things difficult to choose..... Let's see whether she pass this hard time or not?!!

Chapter list

- Last updated at 13:23 21-03-2024

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