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The Ethereal Poetry Pallete

Hello!!!!!This is a compilation of poems I wrote since last year including some poems a friend of mine wrote. Read, enjoy, feel, relate, cry a bit if the poetry is that emotional [Probably- Just kidding] , Vote, Comment, suggest to a friend and do what you wish for.Let me know what you think.Okie, Enjoy. Love you!! Bye.*All rights reserved.
Dressed as a beautiful educated youth in the 1970s

Author: LingxiType: Rebirth and Time Travel Status: CompletedWork Introduction:It takes three minutes to ripen radishes, and five minutes to ripen corn, wheat, and sorghum. It only takes a year and a half for a hundred-year-old ginseng. The big boss of the plant department who returned to the 1970s said that life is stress-free in this era of material shortages.I originally wanted to take root in the countryside, but everything changed overnight. My father, who had been keeping a low profile, returned to his job, and my mother returned to college. My two brothers went into politics and business, and the family jumped to countless levels."Baby, you've suffered so much these years. The college entrance examination has been resumed, and the educated youth have returned to the city. Please come back soon."The girl hesitated in her mother's earnest call in the letter.The fool who took the blame for me will wait for him here until he comes back. He is willing to protect me with his life, and I will also protect him with my youth.DISCLAIMER!!!• This is purely MTL novel { this is not edited, so there will be grammatical errors, incorrect pronouns or words so please read it with caution}• I do not own the story nor the cover.• For Offline Purpose Only so please do not report or vote, Just Read. Thank you
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๐‚๐‡๐Ž๐Ž๐’๐„ ๐˜๐Ž๐”๐‘ ๐‹๐€๐’๐“ ๐–๐Ž๐‘๐ƒ๐’, ๐“๐‡๐ˆ๐’ ๐ˆ๐’ ๐“๐‡๐„ ๐‹๐€๐’๐“ ๐“๐ˆ๐Œ๐„.๐‚๐€๐”๐’๐„ ๐˜๐Ž๐” ๐€๐๐ƒ ๐ˆ, ๐–๐„ ๐–๐„๐‘๐„ ๐๐Ž๐‘๐ ๐“๐Ž ๐ƒ๐ˆ๐„.She knew the dangers of loving him but she couldn't stop herself. ๐ˆ๐ ๐–๐‡๐ˆ๐‚๐‡...Juliette Gilbert moved back to her home town only to find out that she is linked to an original vampire."We're soulmates, Juli. You don't understand how long i've waited for you." "Are you joking me right now? My sister is so going to kill me for this!"

In the vibrant city of Jaipur, a secret deal was struck between two worlds. Abhimaan Deep Shekhawat, the enigmatic King of Rajasthan, controlled the political and criminal underworld with an iron fist. His power was unmatched, his influence unparalleled.Mayura Maity, a beautiful and innocent middle-class girl, lived a simple life, unaware of the storm about to engulf her. Her family's modest means and her own ambition to make a difference were about to be hijacked by a force beyond her control.A pact was made, a union sealed, and Mayura's fate was forever changed. Abhimaan, with his piercing gaze and commanding presence, claimed her as his bride, not for love, but to secure a vital alliance. The Maity family's assets and influence would now serve the Shekhawat empire's interests.As the royal wedding approached, Mayura's dreams and autonomy began to wither. She was trapped in a gilded cage, forced to navigate the treacherous landscape of Abhimaan's world. Would she find a way to break free, or would the ruthless King of Rajasthan forever silence her voice?It's the first time being a writer , the story could be pretty confusing ,if you don't like the story please I would suggest you to kindly leave. it's my imagination world. I just wrote what I liked .
Troubled little youth. Old version.

This is an old version. I am slowly rewriting this. Please wait to read that one. It'll have some of the same chapter outlines but way better writing. It'll also have more characters and hopefully be more in depth as well as be longer and have a different ending. He thought he was a bad boy. She thought she was a psychopath. He was bad news.She was worse.He was angry at the world. She just wanted to have fun in it. When Ashila gets caught on the wrong side of the law again, her father has no other choice but to send her to the strict boarding school known as 'Prescott Boarding School a place for delinquents and troubled youth' she is downright pissed. However when she gets there she decides to have some fun. Her type of fun. When Rylan finds out the only other dorm in his hall is going to be taken he's intrigued. After all his hall is only for the 'Class A' dangerous students, as the teachers and guards put it anyway. However when she gets there and he finds out that she's a she he's kinda annoyed that they class her as a 'Class A +' which is more dangerous than him._______________________________A lot of colourful language and not the rainbow kind. started this when i was young so it's not the best. but i still put my heart into it so don't copy please i'm sick of it. Finished.

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