Youngblood Chronicles: Don't Panic

Youngblood Chronicles: Don't Panic

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Category: Fanfiction
#16 in YoungBloodChronicles
We all know about the Youngblood Chronicles. How they ended. But what if something happened?
In this alternate universe, Gale Lloyd's mother is part of the cult from the Youngblood Chronicles. Her father, she doesn't know what he does. She runs the White Kids. An organization, okay, a bunch of kids in white who are trying to save Fallout Boy. And they are gonna need everything they've got to bring down the cult. But what if in this alternate realm, other things veer from the plot?

I don't own the Fallout Boys or the Youngblood Chronicles. I own the plot and anyone other than the band.
Caution! Contains words such as bitch, damned, and so on. Doesn't contain the f-word.

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