Who We Are {Sequel to Shedding Our Skin}

Who We Are {Sequel to Shedding Our Skin}

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Category: Fanfiction
Jughead Jones was no stranger to change. Returning to his life with Betty Cooper, as well as his friends and family, was full of it. Now navigating his life, juggling family and the Serpents, and building his life after high school would be more difficult, yet more rewarding than he could ever imagine.

He was who he had always been, but he now had to discover exactly who that was.

"Donny and I sat on the same bench I did not long before I decided to return to Betty. I watched as the love of my life and two of the greatest children I have ever met sat in the rocks, laughing.

My attention soon shifted to a little girl on the opposite side of the park. She was on her knees with her hands in the air. I saw her mouth moving but I wasn't sure if she was speaking.

"What's she doing?" I asked, keeping my eyes on her. The blue handmade dress she wore was dirty, and fit her too loose.

"Praying." Donny looked at me. "Things are bad, Jughead.""

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- Last updated at 03:50 08-06-2019

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