Whipping Girl

Whipping Girl

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Category: Werewolf
Being mated to an alpha werewolf who's also an assassin has its perks. Likely death, surely wasn't one of them, and puts Yeona right back where she started.

Yeona gets sent off to be a prisoner to the Lor Clan unexpectedly, after claiming to commit a crime her sister did which had the penalty of execution. The Lor Clan is filled with only alpha werewolves who are all secret assassins on earth. No one knows who they work for or why, just that the clan itself is brutal and unwelcoming, especially to strangers.

There Yeona finds her mate, the most frightening of all, Xiang. He's a mighty werewolf who should be Alpha to this clan, but instead he makes Yeona the Alpha. Yeona who is and always will be an omega.

Now Yeona has to defend a clan that is constantly under threat of others trying to conquer them and take her place. While also trying to figure out her mate who's cold as ice, but sometimes more open than she could ever be.

Though this omega has quite a bit up her sleeves. Being a werewolf from Devaleon, the realm of werewolves, and an ex-politician in training, plus a few other secrets she'd rather keep alone.

Between society and its underbelly, these two werewolves will collide.

'Til death do them part.

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- Last updated at 03:55 19-03-2024

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