When Worlds Collide

When Worlds Collide

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Happy Place || BTS (Taegi, Jikook, Namjin)

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Dressed as the Wealthy Stepmother of the Baby Male Protagonist [MTL]

UNEDITED MTLTitle: ็ฉฟๆˆ็”ทไธปๅดฝๅดฝ็š„่ฑช้—จๅŽๅฆˆAuthor: ไธ€็ฑฝไบญWen Yuduo's eyes closed and opened, and there was a little tuanzi in her arms who was humming and chirping, soft and glutinous, and had just turned half a year old.Wen Yuduo and Xiao Tuanzi looked at each other, Xiao Tuanzi cried out with a "wow", and the next second he snorted and grinned.Wen Yuduo: "...... Who are you? Who am I? Where am I!!"Wen Yuduo is bound to a baby-raising system, and the system tells her that she is now wearing a romance novel called "Blackened President, Please Let Go!" and has become the vicious stepmother of the beautiful and miserable male protagonist.The beautiful and tragic male protagonist parents died when he was born, and was passed on to his uncle, he was abused by his vicious stepmother causing him to completely blacken when he grew up.Wen Yuduo is the marriage object of the male protagonist's father who married home and furnished it, and it is also the nightmare of the male protagonist's childhood!According to the development of the plot, Wen Yuduo will be found by the male protagonist's father to abuse his stepson, kicked out of the house by him, taken revenge by him, sent to a mental hospital by him, and then died alone in a mental hospital......Wen Yuduo: (ใƒŽะ”T)Baby-raising system: "Take care of the baby! As long as you raise the child yourself, you will get a breakup fee that the male protagonist's father gives you in the near future, and you will never spend it all in your life! From now on, the sky is high and the birds will fly, and you will live a happy life of freedom and money!"
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