Walking a fine line✔️

Walking a fine line✔️

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Category: Teen Fiction
[COMPLETED] "Why people would ever choose to sleep with someone as vexatious as you is beyond my imagination," I scoffed.

"Careful." He smirked. "Its a fine line between love and hate."


When Rory Cooper takes part in the inter-school championship she thinks nothing more of it than a fun, school competition. Insufferable hot guys and prank wars only happen in books, right?


One chemistry disaster later, Rory has accidentally attracted the attention of Griffin Carter, the star athlete of rival school, Beckfall High, who's a known player on and off the field.


The shy nerd and the cocky athlete, a tale told many times over. Yet what happens when the nerd isn't so shy, and the athlete has a brain?

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- Last updated at 14:32 26-06-2024

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