The Girl Down Dandelion Lane

The Girl Down Dandelion Lane

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Category: Non-Fiction
My past still trickles through my life, but those trickles are now gentle and flow ever so quietly.

I have lived my past.
Endured it.
Survived it.

For many years, I ran from it.
For many more years, I hid from it.

Until there came the time, when I was done with all of the running and the hiding.

It was then, that I knew I had to face it.
Endure it.
Survive it.

Every past has its own is the time to share mine.

Published by K B Mallion
Copyright © 2019 K B Mallion
All rights reserved

This book is for your personal enjoyment only. This book may not be copied or given away to other people. If you are reading a copy that you know has been copied from this author, then please notify Wattpad and the author directly. Thank you for respecting and supporting the hard work of this author.

This book is based on true events. Names have been changed to protect the identities of those included in this book.

If you would like to use excerpts from this book. You can only do so with the consent of the author. Please feel free to DM.

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- Last updated at 17:19 28-01-2023

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