The Alpha's Wolf

The Alpha's Wolf

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Category: Werewolf

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[MTL, BL] Survive in a Horror Game by Falling in Love

Survive in a Horror Game by Falling in Loveๅœจๆๆ€–ๆธธๆˆฒ่ฃ้ ่ซ‡ๆˆ€ๆ„›้€ƒ็”ŸAuthor:็ณ–ไธขไธขChapters:134 Chapters (Completed)Description:It's not scary if a yandere likes you, and it's not scary if you like a yandere. What's scary is that the person a yandere likes likes you, then you're dead!Lu Xi was pulled into a horror survival game by the system.The game characters are randomly assigned.Copy 1: He is the scumbag Bai Yueguang who is the yandere's secret crush.Copy 2: He is the scumbag boyfriend of the yandere's secret crush.Copy 3: He is the scumbag apprentice of the yandere's secret crush.Copy 4: He is the scumbag adoptive father of the yandere's secret crush.Copy 5: He is the scumbag attending doctor of the yandere's secret crush.Copy 6: He is the scumbag owner of the yandere's secret crush.The beginning is a fatal question. Lu Xi knows that being good to the protagonist is a death sentence, and being bad is even more deadly! So he decisively let himself go and decided to take the path of a yandere, leaving the yandere with no way out!Pretending to be obsessed with a yandere, he works hard every day to become a yandere illegitimate fan. With this unique skill, Lu Xi survived, but the way the yandere looked at him became more and more wrong...One day, Lu Xi finally couldn't help but reveal his true colors. He covered his face in fear and shouted: Don't come over here, you yandere psychopath!Someone smiled slightly and licked the blood on his lips: We are the same.[System prompt: Congratulations to the player, you have obtained the exclusive title of yandere patron]Real yandere ghost beast top V fake yandere cowardly bottom
The Alpha and the Vigilanteโœ”๏ธ

BOOK 1 OF THE GIFT CHRONICLES••• When the Moon Goddess created the first werewolves, she split one soul between the two of them, thus creating a perfect soulmate for every werewolf thereafter, known as their mate. Upon the birth of a werewolf, she assigns them with a supernatural ability, known as their Gift•••Ares is a killer. During the day, she is busy fulfilling her duties as the Gamma of her pack. However, before anyone wakes, she sneaks out to unclaimed territory and assassinates rogues to avenge her parents' murder. The Moon Goddess made the mistake of granting her the ability to materialize weapons at will, and Ares fully intended to use her powers as much as she could to deal out vigilante justice. Cain, the cruel Alpha of the Blood Lake Pack, has given up on finding his mate. At 28 years old, it seems unlikely that he will ever find her. All hope is lost until he meets the shockingly violent Gamma from a neighboring pack. His only problem is, she won't go with him easily. Highest Ranks: #1 in Love• 8/7/19#1 in TeenFiction• 8/30/19#1 in Luna• 9/2/19#1 in Rogue•8/9/19#6 in Werewolf•8/12/19 #7 in Alpha•8/12/19#3 in Mate•9/2/19#1 in Supernatural•8/20/19#1 in Assassin•8/30/19
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