Star Wars: Libertad de Lothal

Star Wars: Libertad de Lothal

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Category: Fanfiction
Los planes para salvar a Lothal del imperio estan listos. Solo requeria eliminar todas las fuerzas imperiales del planeta incluyendo a Thrawn. Ademas, Sabine se enamoro de Ezra Bridger, el joven jedi. ¿Sera posible que se unan romanticamente en el futuro?

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Rejected By My Soulmate

Available to download ( where you can download on all their possible options.Denise Beverly Thomas... She hated her life, even with her brother and his best friend (that she may like). Her life never was perfect. Of course it turned worse when she found her mate. Who was he? Austin Lane. The Alpha of the pack, her brother's best friend...the guy who always made her life a living hell.... and now to continue on with his accomplishment, he rejects her. Just is there a reason behind it all though?(Highest ranks- #1 in Werewolf, #1 in Romance...all the way back around three years ago though. LOL)I'd like to give you guys all a warning that even though many have enjoyed this story, I do not think this is the best I could have done. I had written this back when I was around 12, and all the editing was done by my friends and myself, so there's no promises that grammar would be perfect.

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[⛔SLOW UPDATE ]Just friends?WellFriends don't steal each other glancesFriends don't get butterflies from each other Friends don't get jealous easilyFriends don't get mad if they talks about someone elseSo, is it just friends?"You never thought you'd get this attached don't you?The way he looks at you all serious and attentive.The person who love you will expressively, obliviously, and wholeheartedly""I looked at him as a friend until i realized i have feeling for him. He is a flirtHe is an idiotHe is wild beastHe is a clownHe isn't perfectHe is the important piece of shitHe is my bestfriend, andHe is all i want The best love story is when you fall in love with unexpected person in the most unexpected timesIf you love their soul before you touch their skin, it's mean a real loveOne of the first sign real love is when they tried their best to understand youHaikyuu x KnB Crossover..I am sorry for my grammatical error or the wrong tenses I used. English isn't my first language. Also this the first time to write sport themed fanfiction. This will be a little bit Haikyu x Knb crossover. I used Satsuki for the Oc's familiy name instead MomoiEnjoy 😊😘

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