Sparks Reignited

Sparks Reignited

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Category: Teen Fiction
After a car accident leaves Riley Perez in a coma, she wakes up in the hospital a year later. With the absence of the memories of her loved ones, she continues to live her life, but nothing is ever the same again, especially with a gaping void in her heart.

To start her life afresh, she enrols into a new school. What happens when her locker ends up right next to a cold-hearted guy's, one who claims that he is her ex-boyfriend? What happens when she finds out there's something more to her past than it lets on?

Completed: 30/9/2021
(Current word count: 70,000 - 80,000 )

Highest rankings:
#11 in Teen Fiction
#6 in ChickLit

Copyright © 2019-2023 by Kim_Knights

Chapter list

- Last updated at 12:45 17-11-2023

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