Skye's Bad Accident

Skye's Bad Accident

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Category: Adventure
The FKZF Crew

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- Last updated at 04:55 29-01-2024

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<3 Tbp Chatfic(and More) 🕊

#5 IN GWENDOLYNBLAKE 🕊 To ghost boys most of these may be short 😭 PLEASE READ I have two tiktoks they're MintyMelanieee and Ela_L0ver I like Tbp Pjsk and Bsd! I hate mpreg and in this they're High Schoolers so NO SMUT OR MPREG😭 ONLY PREGNANCY IS LIKE SAY SOMEONE'S AUNT OR TEACHER#6 in Briffin?! #40 in Rinney#92 in Brance Donna is Billy's Sister! (Half) Griffin is Vance's Brother!Some of the #s may be inaccurate cause it changes frequently.. 🙂 SWEAR IN BRANCE J WENT FROM 129 TO 98
Ma Luna... Ma vie! Mon Alpha, mon amour pénible !

Dans l'ombre de notre monde, où les légendes prennent vie loin des regards humains, une jeune fille mène une existence des plus ordinaires. Elle vit, rit et rêve comme n'importe qui, sans se douter qu'une autre réalité, tissée de mystères et de magie, se cache juste sous la surface de sa vie banale. Mais un jour, tout bascule. Arrachée brusquement à sa vie quotidienne, elle se retrouve prisonnière dans un camp ogre, face à un roi terrifiant qui règne sur un royaume de créatures de la nuit. Là, dans cet univers étranger et menaçant, elle découvre avec stupeur qu'elle parle leur langue - un don qu'elle ne soupçonnait pas et qui éveille l'intérêt de toutes les factions du monde surnaturel.Libérée contre toute attente, sa fuite marque le début d'un voyage épique. Alors qu'elle tente de retrouver sa place dans le monde des humains, des forces anciennes se mettent en mouvement. Loups-garous, vampires, elfes, et d'autres créatures de légende sortent de l'ombre, chacune avec ses propres desseins et désirs. Certains la voient comme une menace à éliminer, tandis que d'autres la considèrent comme la clé d'anciens secrets et de pouvoirs oubliés.Au cœur de cette tourmente, la jeune fille doit naviguer à travers intrigues et alliances, apprenant à maîtriser ses nouveaux dons et à comprendre sa véritable identité. Avec l'aide d'alliés inattendus, elle se lance dans une quête pour protéger le fragile équilibre entre les mondes, menacé par des forces maléfiques désireuses de plonger notre réalité dans les ténèbres.Venez vous plonger dans une aventure haletante où courage, amitié et destin se croisent. Dans un monde où le fantastique côtoie le quotidien, notre héroïne doit trouver sa place et affronter son destin. Le mystère de sa naissance, la découverte de sa force intérieure et la lutte contre un ennemi implacable composent la trame d'une histoire captivante, où chaque page tourne comme les pièces d'un puzzle se
in between , malachi barton imagines

"she tows the line between them, he says he's new at this. there's holy ground beneath them, and sparks fly when they kiss."
Her healer

Yaduvanshi series #1An Arranged Marriage Story.POWER!!!!! That's what he always wanted. He is king of a small kingdom of Madhya Pradesh but his power is not limited to Madhya Pradesh only. He is one of the richest men in India who holds the power of money in the market and of leaders in parliament. He is one of those chosen people who are running the country behind the curtain. Politician bows their head in front of him, businessman is ready to put everything at stake just to put their name with his company and a messiah to his kingdom's people. His soft side is for no one at least he does pretend that.But.........A small brown-eyed, honey-voiced girl entered his life. And from the very first moment he saw her, he started feeling a weird fluttering in his heart. She was chosen by his grandfather for him but he knew it was God's plan.She is a puzzle,He wants to solve her.She is scared,He wants to protect her.She fears love,He wants to spoil her.She is broken,He is her healer.Let's join Aashrit Singh Yaduvanshi and Meera Singh Yaduvanshi in the journey of love after marriage.
Patches the Cat's Camping Capers

When 10-year-old Emma isn't allowed to bring her beloved cat Patches on a weekend camping trip, she smuggles him along anyway, kicking off a series of hilarious mishaps and close calls as she and her friend Sara scramble to keep the mischievous feline hidden. Despite their most clever plans, Patches' curiosity can't be contained. He escapes the tent to wander off on his own miniature adventure, forcing the girls to wrack their brains as they try to anticipate his next sneaky move.With unexpected encounters, crack-of-dawn chaos, and uproarious moments back at the campsite, this is a lighthearted story of imagination and friendship. All centered around the bold and lovable antics of Patches, a small but daring cat who leaves no terrain unexplored and no rule unbroken if it means sticking by the side of his beloved human Emma.
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Friends with the enemy - updated

guys this is a wip pls 😭‼️ ignore my no motivationbasically our old book but betterthis was made by my friend Stanley and mebear w me folks

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