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- Last updated at 19:20 10-11-2012

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ဘ ယ် သူ လွှ မ်း မိုး ခံ ချ င် လ ည်း..... " ဝ မ် ရိ ပေါ် " ဆို တဲ့ ကျူ ပ် ခြေ ဖ ဝါး အော က် မှာ လေ.....
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|•𝕋𝕠 ℙ𝕣𝕠𝕥𝕖𝕔𝕥•| [ʙʟᴇᴀᴄʜ ᴍᴀʟᴇ ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ x ᴍʏ ʜᴇʀᴏ ᴀᴄᴀᴅᴇᴍɪᴀ]

A long time ago, in China, the first human newborn with a quirk came into the world. Not long after, more quirks started appearing all around the world. Villains, people who used their quirks for evil and selfish reasons, manifested, and society went into chaos. Then, some people took up the mantle of heroes, to defeat evil and save the innocent. Soon enough, "hero work" became an actual job, and those called heroes were looked up to by everyone. A little boy with spiky orange hair, though, idolized them because of their power. The strongest heroes were able to protect anyone because they were so strong, and that's what he wanted to do too, so that his loved ones would be safe to stand behind him.But an unfortunate event put out that dream, taking away his confidence and will. Follow him as he rekindles the flame inside him, discovers new things about his quirk, and finds himself along the way.(I claim no ownership of the artwork used in this story unless I specifically say so, which won't happen except for some edits and other stuff.)

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Eirik And The Angels Of Time

(This is the first draft of my upcoming debut book. Feel free to leave comments/opinion wherever you want. Chapters will be posted bi-weekly on Thursdays.)Change and Eternity: Two forces in opposition who cannot co-exist, yet need each other.22 year old Eirik leads a normal life. Down to the minimum wage job. When one weird experience leads to the next, he finds himself at the mercy of an angel with two personalities.Aion is the angelic ruler of change and cycles. His other personality, Aeternitas, rules over eternity and stagnation. They exist in the same ethereal body.When Aeternitas locks the human world in a state of eternity named Aevum, where certain events keep repeating themselves, Aion begins to lose strength. With the earth not cycling, Aion has little to no power. As a last ditch effort, Aion has enough strength to crown one more champion in his fight against Aeternitas. He chooses Eirik.Aion tasks Eirik with finding 12 artifacts representing each member of the zodiac, so that he may banish Aeternitas for good and that the world may continue its cycle. However, Eirik may find this a bit hard when the day keeps repeating.Follow Eirik on his journey filled with astrology, angels, and the fight between change versus the state of eternity.Suddenly, Eirik would do anything to get his mundane life back.

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It's Winter. It's Snowing. It's Time.Can a bright group of friends survive their worst nightmares and discover why they are experiencing this?

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