RheSha OS : Ek Tu Hi Yaar Mera

RheSha OS : Ek Tu Hi Yaar Mera

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Category: Romance
Rhesha's fiction story : journey from friendship to love

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Keeping The Balance [Hiatus]

After being stabbed accidentally by a neighbor who thought he was their cheating boyfriend Hol soul was taken by a system that told him that if he does enough tasks he could be reborn again. All he has to do is take care of people from different worlds who keep on messing with the balance of the world and destroying the said world. Doing the tasks are easy but there is always this one person who keeps showing up and making him fall in love.Hol: Why are you so in love with me?!ML: I just find your personality so endearing and I want to keep you to myself.Hol : (●///▽///●) Keep me. . .System: Host! You give in so easily!

直女穿越到ABO世界的"xing福"生活主cp:傲娇毒舌直女Alpha &粉切黑的女神Omega副cp:温柔禁欲大龄cn老干部Alpha&sao气戏精年下Omega两对cp都是强O弱A的设定,后期会涉及到一点点的机甲但不会太多。完全不会有任何bg的感觉,也没有直男alpha!四个角色,都是小公举。主cp前期:宋锦之:你的味道很难闻,离我远点。顾思玖:(闻闻自己,冷哼)有病。主cp后期:顾思玖:唔...我想睡了...宋锦之:再快点,我还yao!副cp:伊薇:乖巧文老师:嗯,乖。伊薇:我只是一只无辜的小绵羊,你可以给我草吗?文老师:???182章 + 4 番外
What Is Love In Family?

ANGELINA RUSSO she is the only girl child of the russo family ...she is kind but strong and fierce and don't take anybody shits because her life have teach her a lot ...she don't trust anyone easily..she lives with her father who is very abusive to her and alcoholic and druggie....Let's she how she will cope with everything when she gets to know that her whole life is a lie ...ISABELLA JENSON ISABELLA is a kind and strong girl very funny and prankster of the family... She lives with russo family as they all think she is their sister .. But her life is also not easy she is suffering from trauma ...Let's she how she will also cope up with everything that change her whole life in future....Angelina russo and Isabella Jenson life is not easy they will suffer a lot but stay with each other and protect each other and love and support each other against everybody ...Let's see both of their journey how these both girls cope with everything that's going to happen in there life ...And how there 6 brothers will help each of them and support them...Let's see there wonderful journey of love,Hate, trauma, abuse, fight, neglect and family ....Let's see what life is waiting for them 😁WARNING ⚠️⚠️ This book contains warning contents like,Self harm, abuse, violence, swearing, rape, sexual assault, emotional assault, child neglect, child abuse, fights, nightmares, etc...If you all are comfortable reading these topics only then you all continue reading this book and those people have soft heart type personalities so I request them not to read this book as it contains concepts that you don't like.... So those who are reading this booking I want to tell them they all are welcome to tell me where I am wrong and where I should correct myself, as your suggestions are always welcome.Read carefully..

𝘌𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘺𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘸𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘬, 𝘴𝘢𝘺, 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘥𝘰 𝘩𝘢𝘴 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘴𝘦𝘲𝘶𝘦𝘯𝘤𝘦𝘴 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘰𝘶𝘳𝘴𝘦𝘭𝘷𝘦𝘴 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘴.

❝You are just a WOMAN. You can't fight in this war, you're weak. It will chew you up and spit you out, you can't keep up with us.❞ The commander scoffed with a low chuckle. A couple of men behind him chuckled as well. Evander's gaze burned into the side of my head, awaiting my reply like everyone else.❝If I can't fight, then why did the Queen herself ask me to take over your job for the time being?❞ I asked, pulling my dagger out from its sheath, taping on Commander Leland's breastplate with the tip, ❝Careful who you call weak Commander because you clearly don't know who I am.❞He crossed his arms defensively, ❝Oh yeah? And who are you?❞I leaned forward lightly, ❝The name's Aislin.❞________________Her name was well-known throughout the kingdoms. Some believed she was just an urban legend, while others thought she was real but some believed she didn't exist at all. She was labeled "the infamous warrior" because she was known for destroying kingdoms with her bare hands. She was a woman, but she set a strong example for tens of thousands of men.She disappeared after a horrific accident. Years had passed, and she had led a life free of violence. After all those years, she was itching to return to the battlefield. Her wish was granted when Queen Aria of Kavan herself approached her and informed her of the events unfolding in her kingdom, requesting her assistance.A sexist Commander, a caring queen, a slacker army, new friendships, and an intriguing yet hothead prince are among the challenges she faces. She's got a lot to handle.--- REVIEWS (more inside) "If you put equal portions of action, adventure, comedy, mystery, romance & feminism in a ninja blender and set it to high power, YOU 👏 GET👏 AISLIN👏. Plus a splash of feminism and diversity makes everything instantly better. SO GOOD!" - @shelsonthelooseCopyright © 2021 by WriterMickeyC (of Wattpad) All Rights ReservedCOVER: Guinealove2005

Aurelia moves in at 15 with her new found family after being apart for 14 years with no memories of them. She grew up in an abusive household so what does she know of what's normal and what is not? Aurelia has decided to keep her past a secret, after all they are practically strangers. But what she doesn't know is that her new found family also has a dark unlawful secret. With these circumstances, conflict is inevitable and it sure will be nasty.

Kau tau, banyak cerita yang terlewat setiap malamnya.Sebanyak bintang dilangit malam. Semenarik dan seterang rasi disetiap ufuknya. Semakin larut kau membuka mata, semakin bintang itu mencurahkan ceritanya. Bintang dan Langit bercerita, menemani setiap insan yang memandangnya.Setiap sepasang bola mata yang menatap lekat kepadanya, begitu juga rembulan tersenyum pucat.Di penghujung mata, mengalir air mata letih yang penuh harap. Harapan untuk segera memimpikan setiap kisah yang telah ia dapatkan dari malam.

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