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Category: Fanfiction
Destiny is strange...
Abhi and meera's marriage are about to happen when meera's ex love comes there and he is revealed to be abhi's close friend.
Also Pragya 3 friends comes to stop Abhi Meara's marriage for their friend Pragya.

After stopping the marriage, all are shocked as many secrets are about to unfold.

Abhigya's 1st daughter, kiara was 1st brought up by king for 7 years and now brought up by king's Ex girlfriend for these 20 years.

How kiara was rescued?
Will she ever find her real parents are Abhigya?

And in between, everyone forgets about something, Kholi's only girl child Mishti.

Mishti returns during Abhigya's marriage and is shocked to see her ex boyfriend and his family.

Will she ever unite with her boyfriend?
What happened between them?
Why her boyfriend's family is here.

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Michael x Werewolf Reader - Dead By Daylight FanFic

A small fanfiction that I write with a different view for the enitity, and not the usual villan ones.I kept michael as a main character and the reader as werewolf so enjoy..WARNING -This story contains lemons and smut ( sexual theme )..LGBT+ are all welcomed and no hate will be tolerated in any way.Dark themed scenes depicted that inclued depression, sucidal thoughts, and harm - self/other.*I hope you guys like it.*Suggestions and feedback is highly appreciated in the comments.

𝐖𝐄 𝐀𝐑𝐄 𝐓𝐄𝐄𝐍𝐀𝐆𝐄𝐑𝐒 𝐓𝐑𝐘𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐓𝐎 𝐌𝐀𝐊𝐄 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐁𝐄𝐒𝐓 𝐎𝐔𝐓 𝐎𝐅 𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐃𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐇𝐒, maybe that's why I fell for Percy, because I knew I would die for him in the end. #1-pjatp 12/30/23

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لم تكن حياتكِ بتلكَ الصعوبة لكن كأيِ شخص واجهتِ بعض التحديات و العقبات، لكنكِ اجتزتها و ها أنتِ ذا أصبحتِ الفتاة البالغة التي ترغبين، و تعملين بوظيفة مُحببة لقلبكِ، و تسكنين بالشقة لن أقول أنها شقة أحلامكِ لكن لا بأس بها.كل شيء كان مثاليًا و جيد ألى أن أتتْ تلكَ الطفلة للروضة التي تعملين بها، أنها مُجرد طفلة عانت من صدمة لوفاةِ والدتها و والدُها يُهملها، ليس شيء جديد أو غريب، ستهتمين بها و ترعينها و تعوضينها و هذا أمر عادي من محبة 'مهووسة' أطفال مثلكِ.لكن كل شيء ينقلبُ رأسًا على عقب عندما تكتشفي أن تلكَ الطفلة لم تكن أي طفلة و أنما أبنة البطل الهائج الذي صنف كرقم واحد كفيلان.

It's easier to judge from the other side of the glass.
Anderson And The Choice.

A highly intelligent detective by the name of Anderson Sajko Sundays was investigating a case of a mass shooting. No one knows what happend, or who committed the crime. Anderson finally agreed on investigating it, and realized that something was wrong. Out of all the information collected...Everything was pointing back to him. What was happening?
Chhaya' A shadow of mystery

this is a story about comedy ,adventures and tragic of a girl Full of mystery chhaya who met Aditya and her life takes a turnIf you like twist and turns so your turn to this story is rightLot's of fun and love peep into the story about a super natural science fiction __ And please don't forget to share your reviews so that I can feel motivated to write the. Story that you like __ You can imagine your favourite couple as the leads or go with reference of zdmn favourite couples Moran and sidsa And Arnav Kushi from IPKKND Be ready to peep into the world of _chhaya _
An Aro Voltori Love Story

We all know Bella and Edward have thier happy ending, but what about Aro? After every one of his people left the snowy battlefield, he soon followed but not before saying "Such a prize." Motioning to Bella and Alice. He then turned around and left the scene. It was not known that Aro had indeed stopped in the woods and turned around again to see all the mates happy and hugging each other. Bella turned around and saw him watching them and instead of telling the others she observed him. He takes out what looks like a picture and kisses it. He takes one last look at the mates celebrating as he puts the picture back in his pocket but then it falls on the ground, without him knowing.Later Bella runs over and picks it up and looks to see a picture of a girl. Who is she? What is she? Does Aro love her? But most of all how does she know Aro? Bella will answer these questions for herself as well as open up some old wounds.

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The Last Testaments

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h̶u̶g̶s̶ a̶n̶d̶ kisses

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