One-shot Stories Anthology

One-shot Stories Anthology

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A compilation of a one-shot stories with a different genres but mostly are horror and thriller stories.

Published: June 8,2024

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ูƒู„ ู„ูŠู„ุฉ ุชุฒูŠู‘ู† ู‚ุตูŠุฏูŠ ุฐู‡ุจูƒ

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- Book One of the Alpha series --#734 (June 6, 2017)-#196 (May 12, 2018)-#26 (January 29, 2019)-#10 (July 14, 2020)_ I surrendered my control to her as she let out the most vicious growl I could ever imagine, as all the fighting ended. Each wolf was stunned, locked in place and if I dare seen one move towards me I would end their life as quickly as they were brought into it.My wolf huffed as she advanced towards the crazed man who now stood over my barely breathing mate. He transformed into his human form which stood with a smirk of pathetic victory."Finally I have raised a killer. Sadly I will have to end you also dear daughter."When the heir to the throne finally meets his mate it was the light to the darkness bestowed over the lands. What seemed like the best moments was on the quiet before the storm. What will happen when blood goes against blood. Vengeance seeks the walls of the castle, but will it destroy the King Alpha?

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ROGER (Read Until 7/31)

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