My best friend's baby (completed)

My best friend's baby (completed)

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Category: Teen Fiction
What the hell? How can she be pregnant and I didn't notice? When was she going to tell me? How does he not even remember the night? I sure as hell wouldn't want to forget a night like that with her.
Was it a jerk at the party we went to weeks ago? I had to find out. I flipped back some pages to the date of the party.

Dear diary,
You are not going to believe this...but I did it with Justin. We were both drunk...well him more than me I only had two drinks. Some feeling just came over me and I gave in. I left before he woke up and made it look like I wasn't there and went to my room. I think he had too much to drink to remember...but I don't remember using any protection. Let's just hope nothing happens.

I'm the father? Come to think of it that night is fuzzy...and I do remember waking up with no clothes on. Shit how could I forget the best night of my life...but wait I got her pregnant? My best friend is carrying my child.

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- Last updated at 04:17 24-06-2018

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