L'Manberg (lyrics)

L'Manberg (lyrics)

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Category: Poetry
So there is every lyrics of the L'Manberg anthems.
If there are mistakes then sorry but English is not my first language. But the lyrics should be written right.

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The Survivor Who died || original. - rewrite on profile.

Rose was left at an orphanage after the death of her parents, living under the abuse of the head matron. After creating bonds with the other children, Rose saw them as family and was willing to die for them if it meant their safety.And she did.She awoke in the body of a young Uchiha girl on the night of the massacre. A deep sword wound in her gut and memories that were both hers and at the same time not flooding her head. She watched as Itachi left Sasuke in the street. She saw the bodies of her fallen clan members scattered and limp like rag dolls. She found her parents who where both hers and not, dead, again.She had become Rose Uchiha. Someone she had always been and never been. She had died yet for some reason, she was alive.She was the survivor who died.[This story will include foul language, Angsty Ducks, Eyebrows, Fangirls and Ramen. You have been warned!]{{this is being rewritten, new version is on my profile}}

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