Kosala kumari: the sung princess of kosala

Kosala kumari: the sung princess of kosala

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Category: Fanfiction
Sita did not give birth to two boys in the Ashram, she is give birth to three kids her eldest being a girl who was named Bhargavi Shreenika
SHREENIKA for being the Lotus in the heart of Maha Vishnu,
RAGHILI for being the daughter of Raghav and Maithili,
BHARGAVI for being the adopted daughter of Bhargav Parshuram and the daughter of Suryavansh,
She was adopted by Bhargav Parshuram at the age of 4 and was taken to Mahendragiri for training she return to her family after 10 years.
How do you think will she affect the story of Uttarakand?
How will her relationship with Luv and Kush be?

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