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Category: Romance
After an accident unexpectedly brings them together, schoolteacher Savanna and wounded motorcyclist Brax develop an unbreakable bond despite secrets from the past threatening to tear them apart.


A motorcycle accident changed everything for Brax. Living in the shadows of his dark past, all he wanted was to run from the pain. Instead, he ran right into Savanna, a woman who couldn't be more his opposite. Brax has never been good at letting people in, but there's something about Savanna that makes him want to let down his guard. She doesn't belong in his world, but even Brax knows there's no stopping fate, and as the magnetic pull between them grows stronger, he wonders why he should even try. Meeting her may have been accidental but loving her is inevitable.

-Content and Trigger Warnings- motorcycle accident, mentions (not descriptions) of assault and infant death/miscarriage

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It's a poetry book that consists mainly of my poems which are related to love. Hopefully anyone who reads it will like it. If by any chance, there was a time in your life where love entered in it but existed in a painful just remember that it's not the end of the world even if it feels like it. Everything will okay.Also i do not own the pictures used in the book, I found them on Pinterest, so the credit goes to their respective owners. I just own the poems.

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