I would wait 6,000 years to be with you

I would wait 6,000 years to be with you

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Category: Romance
A book on Spinel x Pink Pearl
(The art that I show in this story belong to there rightful owners)

Hello everyone! So this is the first story I have ever written on Wattpad so I apologize if it isn't the greatest. Also this book starts off as 1 story but then turns into a bunch of one shots later on in the book. So yea this book is just a mix of stories and one shots lmao. Requests are open if anyone has any and...I hope you enjoy this book! β˜ΊοΈπŸ’–

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to love you closelyπŸ’˜

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The Last Shadow Witch

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π™ΌπšŽπš–πš˜πš›πš’πšŽπšœ 𝚘𝚏 𝚈𝚘𝚞 ||𝙸.π™Ύπš‹πšŠπš—πšŠπš’

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In where the members experience different realities of the real world of becoming a idol .

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She's Mine

Wanda has had what one would call an unfair life. She had everyone and everything she had ever dared to love taken away from her.Her parents. Her brother. Her home. Vision, too, who preferred gaining independence before forming any sorts of connection with her - whatever that meant.And then there was Anaisha. Wanda didn't lose her, because Wanda never had her. How could you lose someone who was never yours to begin with?No, Anaisha was Stark's, unfortunately.But she wouldn't be for long.Wanda wouldn't let Stark snatch away another person from her. He did not even deserve Anaisha.She did, and she would show Anaisha that, come the right time.And then, Wanda would get her happily ever-after.Disclaimer:-I do not own Marvel, or any of the related characters. All rights for the canonical characters and associated concepts belong to Marvel and its writers. I am not making any profit off of this story. This fanfiction is purely for entertainment purposes. The original plot for 'She's Mine' and the original characters and original dialogue are mine. Any resemblance to real life people or incidents is purely coincidental. The image is taken from Google (generated by an AI) and I've only edited it some.Please do not copy this story to anywhere else. As of today, this story is available on AO3 and Wattpad. This fanfiction is for free and you shouldn't have to pay for it. If you do, it's probably not mine and I would appreciate being informed.There is use of mild language in this story (a few f-bombs). There are no graphically or sexually explicit scenes in this story but since anything can serve as triggers, your media consumption is your responsibility.

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