His alpha her Omega (Book 1 of the His Alpha Her Omega Series)

His alpha her Omega (Book 1 of the His Alpha Her Omega Series)

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Category: Werewolf
Highest ranking #61 in Werewolf


When Sophie Peterson meets her mate, she realizes he's Luka, an Omega; the lowest and most disrespected rank of the Emerald Pack. In other words, the pack's chew toy.

Like every other werewolf, she should be happy when she meets her mate, right? There's only one problem: she's an Alpha. Sophie has to adapt quickly and teach Luka to act more like an Alpha, and less like an Omega.

With her caring and loving temperament, Alpha Sophie Peterson puts the wellbeing of her pack before herself, and everyone respects her for it. But with an Alpha being mated to an Omega being somewhat frowned upon, will she accept fate or reject her mate?

But what Sophie doesn't realise is that something deeper connects her to Luka's past, something that will shake her to the core when revealed. Will it be enough to interfere with fate?

An Alpha.

An Omega.

What could possibly go wrong?

Read through by Alexis Skriloff

Chapter list

- Last updated at 20:03 18-06-2022

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