Heartstrings: Short School Love Stories

Heartstrings: Short School Love Stories

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Category: Romance
BASED ON THE SAME SCHOOL of St.Peters Academy. Same universe, different stories. Same world, different point of views. How are these couples connected?

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I, Alexander Stone, reject you..." he trailed off, he doesn't even know my name. " as my mate, my soul and the luna of this pack" as soon as those words were said I felt an excruciating pain in my whole entire body. It felt like someone was setting my body a light, whilst shredding my skin off my body and taking my limbs a part one by one. The pain however was something that I could deal with and he did not expect that because his smirk faltered when my eyes started glowing. I could feel my wolf howling in pain and in anger and she was beginning to surface even more. " Why" I managed to growl out, my voice was still my own which meant that I still had some control of the situation. " You're asking why? Just a year ago you was a feeble human, you're too weak for this. I don't want a weak mate, I need a strong mate, someone that can lead a pack not someone who doesn't even know what a pack is" His words were like daggers to my heart but the disrespect hurt me the most. He shouldn't disrespect me like that, he doesn't even know who I am. " Pathetic, scatter to your little freak family and stop polluting this area" I snapped me eyes away from my so called mate to the source of the voice. It was no other Emma MqQuay, the queen bee of the school and my mates toy. By the time she said those words I was very close to my wolf taking control and partially for what I did next was due to her.

"කෑවා යකො උබ මගෙ නම්බුව කෑවා. මම කොහොමද යකෝ දැන් සමාජෙට මූණ දෙන්නෙ. ලෑස්ති වෙයන් ඔය බඩේ ඉන්න අවජාතකයව නැති කරලා දාන්න...." 🦁 "අනේ තාත්තෙ එහෙම කරන්න එපා. අනේ මම මැරිලා යයි තාත්තෙ."#mpreg#zhanyi#happyending

This story is not mine. For offline reading purpose only.ㅡAs tragedy befalls Xin Siyue, she soon finds herself transmigrated into a novel world as a character. To her disappointment, she became the villainess who obsessively chased after the male protagonist while scheming to tear apart his relationship with his beloved.To avoid her death route, Xin Siyue carefully avoided the male and female protagonists at every turn. Instead, she went off on her own to enjoy life. But somewhere along the way, she made a mistake- the male protagonist took notice of her!Xin Siyue's eyes teared up as she was being kissed in Chen Sinan's arms. 'No! This wasn't in the plot!'
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Disclaimer: Neither the picture nor the content belongs to me. They are uploaded here, not for any bad purpose but for entertainment only.Disclaimer: If this novel is yours, please let us share this novel to everyone else and send us your credit. We display your credit to this novel! If you don't please tell us too, We respect your decision.Author: Chen zhen zhenDescriptionOnce, because of a pair of purple eyes he was scorned. He is a wangye known across the land, cold and bloodthirsty, looking disdainfully upon the world.Once, because of a mother's death she received a father's resentment. She is a publicly known junzhu whose looks have been destroyed, pitiful and weak.In reality, he has a pair of this world's most beautiful eyes, the most formidable background, the most imposing strength.In reality, she has a peerless face, the most unshakable background, and the most ingenious medical skills.She, Lan You Nian, aloof and cold-hearted, underneath the appearance of a celestial maiden is a battered, wounded heart.When the cruel and ruthless him met the indifferent her, who adores who most deeply? Who once again puts a smiles on for whom?
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ӨНГӨРСӨН ШӨНИЙГ АВАРСАН САКУРА Өнгөрсөн шөнөжингөө хар дарсан учир нь олдохгүй нүдэнд харагдах гялалзсан шар саанууд чихэнд чанга сонсогдох хачин хөгжим. Харанхуй өрөөний голд ганцаараа энэ мэдрэмжийг давах гэж нүдээ анин хэлээ хазна цээжин дотор бяцхан зүрх намайг орхиод зугтах гээд ч байгаа юм шиг хүчтэй цохилон цээж өвтгөнө. Хэн нэгэнд энэ мэдрэмжийг ойлгуулхыг оролдсонч тоосонгүй. энэ мэдрэмжтэй эвлэрхээс өөр аргагүй байсан учираас буцаад унтхаар шийдэж нүдээ аниад сайхан зүйлийн талаар бодох гэж хичээсэнч ахиад нүдний урд шар саа гялалзаж хамаг бие минь хөшинө эцсийн хүчээ шавхаад хэлээ хазхаас өөр өөрийгөө аврах зам байхгүй. Буцаад нүдээ анихгүйг хичээгээд үүр цайхыг хүлээнэ. Өглөө бүр цонхоор туссан нарны гэрэл төгөлдөр хууран дээр тусан тооснууд хүртэл намайг мөрөөдлөө биелүүл гэiх шиг бүжидэг байсан харин өнөөдөр Нар хаана байнаа? Хэзээ ч эндээс гаuралгүй үүрд энд амьдрахсан гэж мөрөөддөг байсан өрөөнөөсөө өнөөдөр өөрөө ч мэдэлгүй хамаг хурдаараа зугтсан. Ээжийгээ үнсээд гэрээсээ гараад гүйсэн олон хүн байгаа учираас би ядаж л хар дарахгүй байх гэж найдсан.

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I, Alexander Stone, reject you..." he trailed off, he doesn't even know my name. " as my mate, my soul and the luna of this pack" as soon as those words were said I felt an excruciating pain in my whole entire body. It felt like someone was setting my body a light, whilst shredding my skin off my body and taking my limbs a part one by one. The pain however was something that I could deal with and he did not expect that because his smirk faltered when my eyes started glowing. I could feel my wolf howling in pain and in anger and she was beginning to surface even more. " Why" I managed to growl out, my voice was still my own which meant that I still had some control of the situation. " You're asking why? Just a year ago you was a feeble human, you're too weak for this. I don't want a weak mate, I need a strong mate, someone that can lead a pack not someone who doesn't even know what a pack is" His words were like daggers to my heart but the disrespect hurt me the most. He shouldn't disrespect me like that, he doesn't even know who I am. " Pathetic, scatter to your little freak family and stop polluting this area" I snapped me eyes away from my so called mate to the source of the voice. It was no other Emma MqQuay, the queen bee of the school and my mates toy. By the time she said those words I was very close to my wolf taking control and partially for what I did next was due to her.

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