HEAD OVER HEELS; reggie peters x fem!reader

HEAD OVER HEELS; reggie peters x fem!reader

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Category: Fanfiction
"something happens and i'm head over heels,
i never find out until i'm head over heels."

In 1995, on the most important night of their lives, Luke Patterson, Alex Mercer, Reggie Peters and Y/N L/N, four members of the band Sunset Curve, all die after eating bad hotdogs.

Now, 25 years later (what only felt like an hour to them), the four band members appear back in the old studio garage they used to rehearse in after their CD is played, except now everything's so different. For starters, they're ghosts. But, the person who played their CD, a girl named Julie, can see them, and when they play together, the ghosts become actually visible to the living!

Y/N still has the biggest crush on her best friend and fellow band member, Reggie. But, being the massive oblivious flirt he is, Reggie still has no clue.

reggie peters x reader

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