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- Last updated at 01:45 12-06-2024

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Assistant of Mr. CEO

"What are you thinking about mia cara" he asks me causing my thoughts to drift back to me kissing his jawline. "N-nothing" I stutter cursing myself at how breathy I sounded even to my own ears. I watch his mouth curl up into his trademark smirk quickly glancing over with an eyebrow raised. "Didn't seem like nothing when you were eye raping the side of my face mia cara" he responds almost mockingly trying to rile me up. Feeling bold and teasing, I open my mouth to share my thoughts. "Well if you must know, I was thinking about leaning over and placing a trail of feathery kisses along your jawline" I say nonchalantly pretending to examine my finger nails. I hear him suck in a breath and cursing before I feel him pullover on the side of the rode. "That's it" he whispers huskily turning off the engine and reaching his arm over to lift me off my seat. He places me on his lap and I shift around trying to get comfortable but I can tell my movements weren't helping. "God damn it mia cara, you're gonna be the death of me" he whispers, his Italian accent coming out as he smashed his lips on mine. The kiss was nothing but aggressive, our hunger and need for each other evident. His hands grip my hair and pull my head back slightly to give him better access to my mouth.I break away to catch my breath while I begin peppering kisses on his jawline grasping his hair and tugging his head back to get more access. I easily elicit a growl from him and I teasingly bite his neck slightly before pulling away completely. I attempt to get off his lap and back into my seat but his iron grip keeps me still. "Mia cara, will you be mine" he asks huskily, his face expressing his nervousness as well as hope. I smile from ear to ear before giving him a sweet peck. "Of course you idiot" I say smiling for ear to ear.

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I beg to differ that.", I sassed and got out of his grip ready to move out of the room when he pulled me by my elbow and the next second I was pushed on the visitor's chair.He trapped me completely by keeping his palms on the arms of the chair. "I tried to tell you patiently.", I scoffed at his words. Patience and he don't go in a single sentence. He gripped my chin making me look into his eyes."Now listen carefully Miss, I want you for my niece as her babysitter. Tell me how much you'll take and we can seal the deal."This time it was me who blinked once, twice and thrice."But I don't want to work for you." See the reason was absolutely clear. I liked the kid since the moment I met her but I hated this man from the moment I gazed into his eyes. "How much?"I frowned."You really think your money can make everyone dance on your tips?""1200 dollars a week."I rolled my eyes making him lean towards me." 1500?""Make it 15000 and still I won't work for you.", I retorted and pushed him. I walked to the door and gave him one glance."Next time when you talk to me, make sure you keep all your richness aside. That's one thing that I never want to see you again, you self-centred CEO.""We shall see."...Brave but lonely.Passionate but sensitive.That's Arielle Summers. For everyone, Money, Assets and happiness may be supreme but to her, self-respect is prime.Cold and reckless.Commanding and ruthless.That was Nicolas Arnold. He only cared for his niece, his Mama and his friends.Love life didn't exist until-she came into the picture. *No Toxic Relationship. No ex-crush/lover/fiance/wife. The male lead is the uncle of the child in this book, he's not a manwhore. There are no trust issues. *Impressive Ranking: #8 in love among 2.31M on 09/04/22©2021 ankitawrites_XxCC: @YT_BookAwards_Covers
Eight Treasures Trousseau

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Hand Of God

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Her claim

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