Face it all Together at Skyfall

Face it all Together at Skyfall

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Category: Romance
After the events of recent manga chapters, Sigma decides to join the ADA with Dazai. Sigma must come to terms with his new home and find comfort in Dazai.
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The soul of the prime minister's daughter passed through the 70s

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A Cheerful Consummation About Two Raging Homosexuals

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Nánhái 男孩  [One-Shot]

During one of interviews, They were asked a question.Which song would you choose to describe the other?And our Captain of Sail said, " Nánhái 男孩 " Not only is this song Sir Yibo's favorite song but also a Love song. Squeal >_< God bless these souls!Credit of the cover photo to the owner, who are you angel? you blessed us!

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