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Category: Fanfiction
~Gravity Falls Fanfic (Bill x Dipper)~

Welcome to Gravity Falls! A small town that has never been heard of and that the outside world had long forgotten. This town has been taken over by a very powerful dream demon named Bill Cipher who hates all humans, especially Paul Daniel; the founder and headmaster of a school where young adults learn how to use magic, how to kill demons/hellhounds, and work to earn the title of an "Exorcist". Dipper Pines is an 18-year-old boy, who is enrolled at this school along with his twin sister Mabel Pines. He strives to become one the most powerful exorcist to avenge the death of his great uncle Ford that he knew for a fact was murdered by none other than Bill Cipher himself. What can possibly go wrong with Dipper's goals? It's not like he'd fall in love with him; right?

Note from the Author: You don't need to be a Gravity Falls fan to understand my book. If you are just looking for a gay romance with plot and character development, I have that too. It's well explained and I assure you that even if you aren't familiar with the TV series, you won't get confused.

~By Ms.Loba (Loba_Writes)~

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- Last updated at 20:02 13-01-2023

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