Denial (A Bensler fanfic)

Denial (A Bensler fanfic)

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Category: Fanfiction
Olivia's dinner date stood her up and Elliot happened to show up at the diner.
They try to deny the love they have for each other; after all, they work together and Elliot is married... but the truth is eating them alive and they don't want to keep it a secret any longer.

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LOVE ALL OF YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART BUT REQUESTS ARE CLOSED GUYS SHUT UP /lh×××- None of the art or characters are mine unless I state otherwise (which will most likely not happen..) so credits the the amazing artists/Gotouge :D- All the writing is mine, of course, so don't steal (not that any1 would want to)- Also if y'all don't like the ship (there are like a couple that have no ships tho) then don't read it, simple as that!! Don't hate, it's a waste of all our times- I rarely edit, soooo spelling and grammar mistakes, heeeere we go!- A LOT OF SPOILERS, 70% OF THE ONESHOTS WILL HAVE THEM!!! I think, in some, I put warnings of the spoilers, but not all so... tread carefully!×××100+ ONESHOTS!!! ❤Y'all a lot of my oneshots written in 2023 (ok most) are cringe 💀 (OK I LIED A LOT OF MY ONESHOTS, PERIOD, ARE CRINGE, PRETEND THEYRE NOT!!!)×××Started: February 8 (giyuu's bday!!)Finished: ×××
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