Damaged Goods (Edward Cullen)

Damaged Goods (Edward Cullen)

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Category: Fanfiction
Caroline Blake moved in with Charlie after her parents kicked her out. On the first day of school she meets a family that treats her with respect and acceptance. Something happens on her 16th birthday that changes everything. Bella shows up and makes things hard for Caroline.

This is and Edward x OC fanfic. I hope you read it.

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Till Death Do Us Apart...{Editing}

He's 17. She's 16. He's the imperial prince. She's the daughter of a concubine. They both fell in love. What could go wrong? In 16th century India everything could.

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๐•š๐•ฅ'๐•ค ๐•Ÿ๐• ๐•ฅ ๐•ž๐•ช ๐•—๐•’๐•ฆ๐•๐•ฅ ||| ๐•€๐•‹โ„ค๐• ๐Ÿž๐•ฅ๐•™ ๐•ž๐•–๐•ž๐•“๐•–๐•ฃ

You've bitten off more than you can chew with this girl. But this was the biggest surprise that JYP Entertainment had to offer when they announced the debuting members of ITZY, would be the youngest sister of BLACKPINK's Main Rapper....... Jennie Kim. And she's already famous, known for her older sister's career, but also for her own talent having started modelling in 2017, but she has been a dancer all her life. How does she survive in ITZY? Does she regret any of it? Maybe? Does she want to back out just a bit into her career? Get her number, get her nameGet a good thing while you canKiss a blonde (Kiss a blonde), kiss a friend (Okay)Can a gay girl get an, "Amen?" (Amen; woo)I'm not on the same shit from beforeI can't take this pettiness, now I'm bored, uh-huhWe can share, babe, there's enough for us all (Us all)Told you who I am and what it is, that's not my fault

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His Warbride *COMPLETE โœ…

| COMPLETED | ~ | Chapters are being Edited |#Wattys2020~โ€ข~โ€ข~โ€ข~โ€ข~โ€ข~โ€ข~โ€ข~โ€ข~โ€ข~โ€ข~โ€ข~โ€ข~โ€ข~โ€ข~โ€ข~โ€ข~~โ€ข~~โ€ข~โ€ข~~โ€ข~โ€ข~โ€ข~โ€ข~โ€ข~โ€ข~โ€ข~โ€ข~โ€ขHe was a soldier, running toward the war zone.She was a victim , fleeing away from the war zone.He grew up not knowing what love or family was.She grew up with the love of her family.He left something of himself.She now holds dear to what he left.He is a soldier.She is his warbride. ~โ€ข~โ€ข~โ€ข~โ€ข~โ€ข~โ€ข~โ€ข~โ€ข~โ€ข~โ€ข~โ€ข~โ€ข~โ€ข~โ€ข~โ€ข~โ€ข~~โ€ข~~โ€ข~โ€ข~~โ€ข~โ€ข~โ€ข~โ€ข~โ€ข~โ€ข~โ€ข~โ€ข~โ€ขAfter struggling to live through and losing loved ones due to war, all Leah wishes for is to leave this war torn country.With a mysterious past, Dylan tries to live a normal life as a military man and prepares himself to lead hundreds of men into this next battle.In the most oddest circumstances, they both meet and feeling are expressed, love blooms, secrets are exposed, memories are revived, obstacles are faced, but at the end of the day love and family is everything. ~โ€ข~โ€ข~โ€ข~โ€ข~โ€ข~โ€ข~โ€ข~โ€ข~โ€ข~โ€ข~โ€ข~โ€ข~โ€ข~โ€ข~โ€ข~โ€ข~~โ€ข~~โ€ข~โ€ข~~โ€ข~โ€ข~โ€ข~โ€ข~โ€ข~โ€ข~โ€ข~โ€ข~โ€ข"Wait Leah!"I wanted to tell her that she is not like a sister to me and that I love her, but something stopped me. The hope that shone in her eyes stopped me.War is unpredictable. The outcomes are unpredictable. If I were to tell her the truth and we were to fall in love, wouldn't there be more risks.I'll be worried about her constantly, as she'll be about me. If I were to get injured in the field, she will have to spend her life taking care of me. If I were to die, wouldn't I hurt her more than now.

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My raw truth.All Rights Reserved.If you are reading this book anywhere other than Wattpad, it's a mirror site that exposes you to Malware. Immediately leave that site and read on the Wattpad app and please report to my Wattpad profile Jojo Hartski.THANK YOU!Jojo Hartski ยฉ 2022

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๐˜๐˜ˆ๐˜“๐˜Š๐˜–๐˜•//๐˜š.๐˜›๐˜ฐ๐˜ฅ๐˜ฐ๐˜ณ๐˜ฐ๐˜ฌ๐˜ช ๐˜น ๐˜๐˜ข๐˜ธ๐˜ฌ๐˜ด' ๐˜ด๐˜ช๐˜ด๐˜ต๐˜ฆ๐˜ณ ๐˜™๐˜ฆ๐˜ข๐˜ฅ๐˜ฆ๐˜ณ

"YOU KNOW TODOROKI, YOU'RE NOTHING LIKE YOUR FATHER.""REALLY? DO YOU MEAN IT IN A GOOD WAY OR A BAD WAY?""IN A GOOD WAY, A REALLY GOOD WAY..."Y/n Takami is the sister of Pro-Hero Hawks, and a prodigy of the hero commission, just like her brother. She meets Shoto Todoroki, the stoic son of Endeavor. The winged girl catches his attention with her strength, wit, and views on hero society. But he's not the only one who her skill, personality and thoughts catch the attention of. She strives to be a hero, but her complicated past and present with the commission won't make it easy. With every new mission, she finds a new missing piece of herself.But will she still want to be a hero when the puzzle is complete?

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