Blood Orange Tea

Blood Orange Tea

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Category: Fanfiction
Zhongli to Childe was a mystery. The fatui harbinger had never seen Zhongli express his emotions openly and could manage to go on for hours about a story without exposing anything about himself or his life.
He never missed a day of work despite having boring shifts, he always turned up on time and never gave any disrespect to Hu Tao despite hating her at the beginning.
Zhongli and Hu Tao's business relationship turned for the better, despite the pair denying it. So it was weird to Childe when he arrived to the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor at Zhongli's lunch break, even Hu Tao was surprised the man hadn't shown up for work.
That wasn't even the tip of the iceberg of weirdness the male was about to experience throughout the day.

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- Last updated at 14:56 26-09-2022

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