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Aria is a 17-year-old girl who lives with her mom and dad. Her life was never easy. She always had to follow the strict rules, and if she didn't, her parents would punish her. Aria had to move to a small town in Washington because her dad got a job there. Aria was used to moving around all the time. Both of her parents had an alcohol problem, and they couldn't keep a job for long. They moved around a lot, always looking for a new job. Aria is a very bright student, and she can't wait to go to college and move away from her parents. She loves them, but they've put her through a lot, and she is desperate for a place of her own, a place where she will feel safe and at peace. Gabriel is a 17-year-old boy who lives with his dad. His mom died when he was only 3 years old, and he and his dad decided to move to a small town in Washington to get a fresh start. Gabriel and his dad have a really nice relationship. Ever since his mom died, Gabriel could only rely on his father. But his dad has been keeping a secret from Gabriel. Something happened 17 years ago, something so heartbreaking that his dad never recovered and his mom died because of it. Gabriel's senior year won't be filled with drinking, parties, and girls like he hoped it would be. Instead, Gabriel will find the piece of himself he has been missing his whole life. But will he find it in time? Will he be too late?

This is a BTS story where tae is the youngest member of KIM family. He lives with his overprotective and strict hyungs. Their Parents live in USA.

* Highest ranking: #1 Vampire #1 Dracula #1 BoyxBoy #2 Cinderella *Abused terribly since he was a boy, Kylo dreams of freedom. When his wicked stepsisters get invited to the handsome Lord Vincent's masquerade ball, the women believe they are going as potential brides. Forbidden to go by his evil stepmother, Kylo sneaks to the elegant manor to get a look at the mysterious lord. When he's captured for trespassing, Kylo fears a whipping yet the lord takes mercy upon him and invites him to the ball as his guest.As the night progresses, Kylo finds himself falling for the bewitching lord. Upon the stroke of midnight, Kylo flees from the ball, losing one of his gloves in his haste. When the lord searches the homes wanting to return the glove, he finds Kylo badly beaten. Realizing he is being abused, Lord Vincent returns that night to rescue the young man.Soon Kylo is pulled into a world of darkness, blood, and vampires. A sequel is available: The Angel And The Vampire. is my second entry for the Open Novella Contest 2021. My prompt is number 32: "All that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream" Edgar Allan PoeThis is a Cinderella meets Dracula tale. Warning for typical Christine darkness, abuse, death, vampire stuff, sex, bad words, and other mature themes.
Her Selfless Love( Complete)

"You told them you love me ,huh?"He asks with a raised eyebrows, jaw hardened and eyes narrowed at the shy girl he has hated all his life.She was afraid of his tone,he didn't looked happy with her confession.Was her love going to be unrequited one?"I fuck*** asked you something Ezra! Answer me!"His tone made her gulp,his grip on her arm made her flinch in fear."Yes"She finally answered looking into his emotionless eyes.Smirking he laughed at her confession,not believing her."Ezra,do you even know what love is,Oh I almost forgot you are an Orphan,how would you know?"His words were sharp as knife, piercing her healed wounds.She fisted her hands, trying to control her tears.He sighed in frustration running his hand through his hair."Now mom will not stop till she has made you her daughter in law! Fu**! Why you!"He said ,pacing the room .Oblivion to the tears ,she tried her best to hide.He didn't love her.He never did, she was a fool to even think that he for once did.Hate is all he had for her and those who said hate is the beginning of love,were fools mocking her right now.Gathering the little pride left in her she answers back in a quivering voice."Yes,I love you. But I don't want anything from you."She says and he stares.Confused at her weird confession.Who says that ?"Nothing you say? Are you playing some brain games girl?"She lowers her eyes and leaves but not before whispering the words that made him feel something after a very long time."Love is not something to learn ,but to feel Aaron. And I know what I feel. You may name it infatuation and lust,but I proudly call it my selfless love"....................................................................

Loved And Hated

"We want you home Sorella" Mason said to me."I couldn't give two shits what you want." I said back. He looked pissed. I could feel someone coming towards me with a needle aimed at my neck.Elijah and Everly are two identical twin girls. Elijah was suppose to be a boy, but kept the name nether the less. They look the exact same, except for the eyes. Eli has her Fathers, whereas Everly has her Mothers.Their parents loved the twins, Well Everly. Her mum and step-dad hated Elijah with a passion. Whereas Everly was treated like a princess, Elijah was treated like something on the back of their shoe. Until one day, they both got called into the office to find out they both died in a car crash. Everly cried as Elijah sat stone-faced.They also find out that they have five older brothers. Five Controlling and annoying older brothers with a huge secret of their own.Not forgetting that Eli refuses to become part of their life. Everly is enough for them in her eyes.Will Elijah survive on her own?Or will her brothers drag her home?And will she stay?Badass- #1Twins - #1 Running - #1Mafiaprincess - #1Brothers - #1Brother - #1Father-daughter - #1Family - #4 out of 246k stories

ផ្តាច់ការស្នេហ៍ ហួងហែង ប្រច័ណ្ឌគ្រប់រឿង!!ទង្វើស្តែងចេញឲ្យឃើញថាស្រឡាញ់ តែបែរជាគំនុំមកបាំងមុខ បង្កជាបញ្ហាវិប្បដិសារីរាប់មិនអស់...Start: 13/11/22FB: KM Novelសរសេរដោយ លីសុីន
❤Yandere Three V's Headcannons❤

I'm doing this cause I'm a simp and I want to feel loved

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The Best Product For The Belly Fat Reducing

Vital Keto The whole process of ketosis is generally that study course of action through which your too much Extra fat makes use of as gasoline in the body. The reason is often that Added fat is the first supply of Vitality and it consumes a lot of Electric power to promote by itself inside the human body! Your system will develop into effective at take in only fats and requires benefit of carbohydrates as remaining a secondary source of Power. You will not imagine that only the whole means of ketosis is ample to cut back your surplus Unwanted fat.

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Импульс к созданию этого труда был дан Денисоном Россом, директором Школы восточных исследований в Лондоне, когда он попросил меня написать для "Бюллетеня Школы" обзор книги проф. Л. де Ла Валле-Пуссэна о нирване [1]. В процессе критического разбора ряда положений, затронутых в ней, мне пришлось заново пересмотреть позицию школы саутрантиков и ее предполагаемое "отрицание" нирваны. Эта школа представляла собой промежуточный этап между хинаяной и махаяной, и ее позиция не могла быть уяснена без понимания основных положений последней, что и побудило меня в дальнейшем вывести махаяническую концепцию Будды и его нирваны. В процессе этой работы различие между хинаяной и махаяной явилось неожиданным подтверждением тех взглядов и разъяснений технических терминов, которые содержались в моем труде "Центральная концепция буддизма", изданном Королевским азиатским обществом в Лондоне в 1924 г. Настоящий труд может рассматриваться по отношению к нему как дочерний и мог бы быть озаглавлен "Центральная концепция махаяны"...

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She was the average teenager who had a suitable Quirk and desire to become a hero - which was pretty much the same as him.The only difference was his temper, but she was sure she could race to his heart. - - - UNDER SLOW EDITING! updates: currently irregular and slow!SEASON 1 [✔️]SEASON 2 [✔️]TWO HEROES [✔️] SEASON 3 []SEASON 4 []HEROES RISING []SEASON 5 []WORLD HEROES' MISSION [] SEASON 6 []SEASON 7 [] MANGA []HIGHEST RANKINGS:#1 in #bakugokatsuki#1 in #myheroacademia i do not own my hero academia or it's characters!

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Egoist (Blue Lock x Male Reader)

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