Before I Die (Split Souls part 1)

Before I Die (Split Souls part 1)

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Category: Fanfiction
With Sally and Paul missing, Percy learns that he has a mortal uncle.

Tony Stark was not expecting to find that he had a nephew; nor that said nephew was a terrorist, according to SHIELD. What side is he to choose, his work- with the Avengers(with SHIELD), or this boy- his chance at having a family?

Likewise, the Avengers are also surprised. Percy is keeping secrets, and they don't know if they can trust him.

Is he dangerous? Or could he become part of their ragtag family? Perhaps both?

How will Percy handle all the things that are getting thrown at him?
Will he manage to stay himself through it all?

Current word count is 122,856(as of chapter 55)

Most Impressive Ranking:

#1 in percyjackson
September 28th, 2019

#1 in thor
June 5th, 2019

#1 in avengers
June 9th, 2019

#1 in crossover
August 10th, 2019

#1 in nicodiangelo
August 24th, 2019


"Brother, what if the other gods learn of this?"

"They will fear him. They will fear him in a way that only cowards can fear someone weaker than them."


"Okay. So, what are you gonna do?"

"You will just have to wait and see, little cousin." She says.

"You are really tall for a girl, but I'm still taller." I reply.

"I'm older."

"You were a tree!"

"Still older."

"You stopped aging just before you turned 16. I'm seventeen." I argue. "And I haven't had my years messed with."

"If I hadn't had my years messed with, I'd be twenty-one." She smirks.

"If we go by dates, then Nico is the oldest." I comment.

She stops walking for a minute. "No. No, he's little. He's little cousin."

"Then so are you." I smirk.

She glares at me. "Agree to disagree, Kelp head. C'mon, we've got stuff to do."


I do not own the characters, they belong to Marvel and Rick Riordan.
Cover is made by @ShipCanons
However, the plot this fanfic takes is TOTALLY mine and I'm proud.
Chapters average at just over 2,000 words each.

Chapter list

- Last updated at 21:25 06-10-2020

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