Azurian Edge: Duet of Creation

Azurian Edge: Duet of Creation

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Category: Adventure
A young explorer travels into the mountains of an old valley to explore a forgotten temple built by a kingdom from ages past, only to find one of its last inhabitants-the royal princess-frozen in magical ice. After unfreezing her, the two embark on a wild journey across the land of Azuria to initially find the princesses lost elemental powers, only to find themselves spiraling into the deep history of the land and all its inhabitants, soon discovering that even they are not who they seem to be.

Based on a long standing roleplay story on Roblox with my friend, this is the official version of the story and is a remake (from scratch) of my previous book "Legend of the Valley Kingdom". The old book might eventually be taken down, though I might leave it for nostalgia to my old writing skill. Please enjoy the book, and most importantly, I'd appreciate feedback on the style of writing! For now, Admiral_Yuzuki, out.

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