A Deal For Revenge

A Deal For Revenge

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Category: Fanfiction
Yes this is reposted to my new account but I wrote this a while back and lost the password to my old account so no I didn't steal this. I also didn't include any of the author notes from the original.

I hate this book and it's terrible but I'm going to keep it up for anyone who wants to read it so just know I warned you. The ending was also rushed because I lost interest in writing this so also apologize for that in advance.

What if Mabel shook the hand of Bill's statue while on a hike with Dipper and she acted like she was just messing around and didn't mean it. In order for Bill not to hurt her Dipper made a deal to protect her not knowing he fell directly into her trap. Mabel wanted to get rid of Dipper ever since there first year at gravity falls and she succeeded

After the deal was made and Bill took Dipper, Bill felt pity for the boy and what she did then and the other things she did. After which he offered Dipper a deal he couldn't refuse, the something he wanted since seeing how she tricked him., and that thing was power and revenge

This i completed and kind of hate it but I hope you like it's of you decide to read it.

No art used in this is mine unless stated otherwise.

Started: October 7th 2021
Ended: February 3 2022

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