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Dead Boy Bewitched

[PREVIEW ONLY - COMPLETED ON REAM & RADISH]whatever our souls are made of, his and hers are the same •••When seventeen-year-old Nancy attends the funeral of her infamous bully, Kai Jones, it's not to mourn him but to steal back her grandmother's locket which he snatched from her. What she doesn't expect though is for him to show up in her room later at night, as a half-dead entity only she can see, touch and feel.Soon, Nancy is thrown into the tale of a dead boy's ghost, a vengeful witch, a timeless curse, and a mythical legend that stretches upon centuries.All she has to do is find the witch, break the curse and bring the boy back to life, but there's one slight problem - her soul is now bound to her disastrously handsome ghost and his charms are starting to play a tug-of-war with her wild heart.FEATURED BY @Fantasy
Our Disconnected Love Story✔

The phone is ringing.But Tanvi was too scared to answer the call. She was not ready to talk to him or even hear his voice. She wanted to run away from the present, but she couldn't evade her present.She hadn't talked to him for the past week, and he had called her a number of times. That day itself, he called 5 times. So, finally, with trembling hands, she answered the phone to tell him the truth."Hello," he said as soon as Tanvi answered the call.Tanvi voice was shaking she didn't know what to say. But she mustered her courage somehow and said, " Please don't contact me again. I know I have played with your feelings without knowing who you actually are. I know I have committed a terrible mistake, or I guess, a sin by doing this, but now I want to end this for once and for all. I don't think you can understand me and forgive me, but the only explanation I say to you is that I am really sorry."He remained silent all this while and did not utter a word. He came to realize that nothing more was left for him to talk. He disconnected the call as soon as she finished her monologue. Tanvi, a +1 student, decided to attract her crush indirectly gets his phone number and starts talking to him anonymously. Initially, she got rejected, but later, earns his trust and friendship. Slowly their friendship reached another level through their sweet phone calls.Then, the real truth came out. He was not the crush whom Tanvi imagines him to be. So what would Tanvi do?Would she ever meet the person with whom she developed such a relationship?Would that person ever want to meet Tanvi after knowing that she played with his feelings, knowingly or unknowingly?Could they be together?Let's see what fate has to do with both of them.A simple love story with its own twists and turns.This is my 1st story. Hope you will give it a chance, and I'll make sure you won't get too bored.
The System Grants Me Immortality, the Indomitable King of Survival

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[BL] Rebirth of the Little Mute

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Mr Rude & Me (Undergoing Editing)

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When A Vampire Bit An Omega

Title: 当吸血鬼咬了OmegaAuthor: Chu Mosheng (初陌笙)Introduction:Ivan is a little vampire who has crossed to the Interstellar Military Academy by accident. Among the piles of Alphas, he became a veritable weak chicken...So, the little vampire started his hunt in a group of five big and rough men until he found a handsome and beautiful man who seemed to be a little troublesome.He rubbed and stretched out his two small fangs, slowly approaching the back of the man's neck, licking his lips and intending to have a delicious meal.However...He was caught off guard, and was thrown over his shoulder by someone, and fell directly to the ground.JUST IN CASE, THIS STORY IS:✓ PURELY MTL(means this is not edited, so expect the incorrect pronouns, indents, and grammatical errors. :D)✓ FOR OFFLINE PURPOSE ONLY ( just uploaded here for my smooth offline reading)✓ Do Not Report, Do Not Vote, Just Read✓ DISCLAIMER: I do not own the cover nor the story, this is all for offline reading.✓ All Rights and Credits to the original author (初陌笙), google translator, and link(s).
Love Me, Mikayla

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I 4 peccatori

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Story Of My Life .

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Dead Boy Bewitched

[PREVIEW ONLY - COMPLETED ON REAM & RADISH]whatever our souls are made of, his and hers are the same •••When seventeen-year-old Nancy attends the funeral of her infamous bully, Kai Jones, it's not to mourn him but to steal back her grandmother's locket which he snatched from her. What she doesn't expect though is for him to show up in her room later at night, as a half-dead entity only she can see, touch and feel.Soon, Nancy is thrown into the tale of a dead boy's ghost, a vengeful witch, a timeless curse, and a mythical legend that stretches upon centuries.All she has to do is find the witch, break the curse and bring the boy back to life, but there's one slight problem - her soul is now bound to her disastrously handsome ghost and his charms are starting to play a tug-of-war with her wild heart.FEATURED BY @Fantasy

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Still OpenOcs are mine but the images are notMature themes in many of my OCS. All sorts of roleplays will be found on here. Multiple Ocs and world building are encouraged however not required. The more detailed you are, the more detailed I will be!All species, genres, sexualities, etc are welcome

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