A Blood Heir

A Blood Heir

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Category: Fantasy
✨Rewrite- Previously An Heir for Oragon✨

The planet Krystan has not had a live birth in centuries and the King, Hunter Rudolf knows he is in big trouble. Without an heir, his semi-immortality running out, death threats facing him from every corner, the killer of the king's brothers and father stands unobstructed on the steps to the throne. With a corrupt council hoping to become the next Hunter Rudolf, chaos are overwhelming his rule and the land is threatened by darkness. But when a human female falls in his laps, he knows his worries are about to be no more.

Stuck in a dazzling new world full of strange wonders, Maya is forced to accept her fate and resigns herself to a new life. But with men out for her blood and womb, and deadly secrets swimming through her veins; adapting to Krystan is easier said than done.

Cover @briannesignh

All rights reserved. Only available on Inkitt and Wattpad. Report if you see this book on any other site.

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