90 Days | h.s

90 Days | h.s

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Category: Fanfiction
Harry Styles, a heartbroken artist, moves to France for 90 days to escape his past life in search of finding a new, more meaningful one. When he arrives he meets aspiring writer Belle Dubois who is yet to find her muse. What will happen when his 90-days are up? Will his past catch up to him, or will he remain in his future life?

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Trolls: Broppy One Shots

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BWWM I scoff, "you think I'll get on my knees & beg to an asshole like you?! Well-".I'm cut off by a raspy chuckle. Before I can even blink, he was right in front of me. Close enough to the point that I can smell his cologne. Damn why does he have to smell so good?!- I'm snapped out of my thoughts as he lifts my chin until my gaze meets his. And then, he speaks. "No love, I don't think you quite understand.He gets impossibly closer while his other hand plays with the end of my skirt. as he whispers his next statement in my ear. "When I said you would be on your knees for me darling, I didn't mean that you would be begging." He releases my chin and begins to walk out the door. Before the door closes he turns back to look at me "Oh and by the way,don't touch my shit again. And with that he's gone.Leaving me standing at my desk like an idiot. Hot & bothered. Zaria (21) - Hot headed & strong-minded, Spits out insults more than compliments. She's tries to keep up this tough act, hoping to push people & all her problems away....Moved out her adoptive abusive parent's house at 16 to live with her aunt. Now, headed off to college all while trying to avoid her toxic ex. What happens when her adoptive sister also ends up at the same university as her? This can't be good.Dante Di Silva (23) - Most commonly known as "Dagger". Blunt. Calculated. ColdHearted. Ruthless. He loves anything & everything dangerous. Illegal races? He wins 1st place. Underground fights? He leaves without a scratch. He doesn't let anything or anyone ruin his money. What happens when his father tells him that in order for him to take over the family "business" he'll need to attend college?What happens when these two are mistakenly put as dorm mates? Will they learn to get along? Or will they learn to hate each other? Book will contain: Strong language🔞 chapters/ scenes wink wink Possible Trigger warns but all will be marked with ⚠️

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