【2】Small Days Of Farming In Another World

【2】Small Days Of Farming In Another World

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Category: General Fiction
Author: Moon on the Galaxy/月上銀河

Type: Danmei novels

Status: Chapter 925 Finale

Introduction to the work:

Zhu Zeqing, the most outstanding doctoral student at the best agricultural university in China, has always had a simple wish in his heart. After turning 47, he would return to his hometown to contract a piece of land and become a farmer, so as to try out what it was like to be a local owner.

Then his wish came true in advance:
the twenty-seven-year-old turned seventeen overnight. Not only was he younger, but he also changed the world.

He invented agricultural tools, transformed terraced fields, and scientifically cultivated crops, becoming a great agricultural tycoon in ancient times.

Many years later, Daliang's grain output has doubled several times, and the people are basically no longer hungry. Zhu Zeqing's name has also been deeply engraved in the history of Daliang and in the hearts of the people.

The second brother was a shrewd man and a business genius, and later became the richest man in the country.
The third younger brother, Little One, is extremely talented in medical skills. He has become the number one miracle doctor at a young age and is world-famous.

From then on, life became more ideal for Zhu Zeqing, who had raised his brothers so well.

ps: This is the story of a doctoral student from an agricultural university who traveled through ancient times to become a top student, farming, raising children, and taking scientific exams, and became a great farmer.

Keywords for Farming in Another World: Farming in Another World, Milky Way on the Moon, Double Cleansing, Mutual Favor, 1v1, Farming, Getting Rich, Lord 1

Chapter list

- Last updated at 06:52 21-06-2024

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