Search: zaynums
90,046 stories
Life Under the Hijab | ✔

He once abandoned her to her bullies, but now he has redemption on his mind. Little does he know that this woman has other plans and that life would force them together again.* * *Being a Muslim was not made to be easy. Zaynub understands this because she's living through difficulty after difficulty. With family and school on her mind, the last thing Zaynub expects is the one man she's despised for years standing on her doorstep. Zakir has made a lot of mistakes in his life. One of his biggest mistakes pertained to Zaynub. Of course, Zaynub does not see him as a changed man. To her, Zakir is a self-centered immature child trapped in an adult's body. Zakir has changed, but now he has to prove his worth to Zaynub.Will Zakir and Zaynub fall in love? Or will they fall apart?•Cover by @soundthealarm•[Featured by Wattpad][Highest ranking: #1 in Spiritual]

1.4M 33 67.3K Full
The Boy That Doesn't Talk // ls

Where Harry, a famous solo artist, meets Louis, the boy that doesn't talk. (btw because Harry's the only one who sings, one direction albums are his personal albums and so he has up all night, take me home, midnight memories and four out in the beginning of the story)

245.4K 34 6.8K Full
One Direction Imagines

here you go little dirty directioners lol.all these are from tumblr or some random website so please no hate

813.7K 72 4.8K Full
Forgiven: A Zarry Instagram Story

Zayn: Left One Direction to pursue a solo career, broke millions of hearts in doing so but is happy. Has a lot of fans, is successful. Also dating Gigi Hadid at the moment but that changes ?. Has an angelic voice and a face carved by God himself.Harry: Still apart of One Direction but currently they are on a hiatus. Decides to model as well as making music. Openly bisexual. Still has love for his former band mate, Zayn Malik. Also crushing on him as well.

713.3K 144 19.5K Full
As You Wish (Complete; Zayn/Harry; Supernatural AU)

In which Zayn Malik tests the true extent of wishing on a shooting star, unintentionally starts the next level of his and his husband's relationship and learns that he can indeed love Harry even more than he already does despite certain circumstances. This is Zayn and Harry's journey together filled with heartaches, love and a lot of surprises.

14.1K 11 903 Full

Navazující na ~Betrayal~ :o) Když ji odehnal a ona utekla, trpěl... Než ji získal zpět, uplynula řada měsíců, a když ji našel, měla v náruči jeho dítě. Zrada a bolest byla silná, stejně jako lítost a touha po odpuštění. Získal ji, znovu mu patří a život plyne dál...

37.4K 10 1.3K Full
World War Zayn • ZM

When you're about to give up during the zombie apocalypse and Zayn Malik saves you, you don't succumb into depression--you fight for your life because the world might count on you to continue the human race. You will take the challenge with a grain of salt and an eyeful of tattoo-covered abs.

265.5K 38 14.9K Full
True Purpose

Zaynab Hamdan thinks that all that there is to life is education and education only. Without education, life is meaningless. Your typical nerd, she only cares about her studies and has no other interest. Little does she realise that she has been created by Allah so that she can worship Him, more than for any other purpose. On the other hand, Hassan Zaydan cannot imagine a life without Allah by his side. He knows and realises that his sole purpose of creation is what Allah stated in the Qur'an: "And I have not created the mankind and the jinn except to worship Me" [Qur'an 51: 56]. But when circumstances tie these two together in the bond of marriage, will Hassan ever be able to change Zaynab?[A COMPLETED STORY]

62.1K 37 4.9K Full
Forget Me Not  [Z.M]

"Keep your head up and Dance."Alexandra Walker; Dancer, beautiful,confident and Zayn Malik's childhood best friend and first love. When Zayn leaves Alex to join One Direction they lose contact for a couple of years.But what happens when they meet again under different circumstances?Will the couple be able to move forward or will the fame get to Zayn's head.Find out in Forget Me Not.

75.3K 37 1.4K Full
Midnight • (Zayn Malik)

Luna[loo-nuh]noun1. A completely unordinary girl who enjoys drawing, the absence of color, records, and a small selection of friends.2. A girl like the moon who falls for a guy like the sun. •"Luna," I said flatly. ..."Luna," he thought for a moment then nodded, "fits you."

90.6K 52 3.2K Full
My Heart

•○● COMPLETED ●○•"I need your help ""What kind of help ""I need Money ""seriously! After 6 years you come back and ask for money . what do you want me to do huh?? Remember I still remember that you cheated on me.""I did not cheated on you "(STORY BASED ON PAKISTANI DRAMA "HUMSAFAR ". CHECK IT OUT IF YOU UNDERSTAND THE LANGUAGE THEN.)

96.4K 28 4.2K Full
Bad Direction

Historia o dwóch zwyczajnych nastoletnich przyjaciółkach, które przez przypadek wpadają i to dosłownie na najbardziej "niebezpieczny" i pokręcony gang.Co się stanie gdy oni zainteresują się dziewczynami? Albo co będzie jeżeli poczują do nich coś więcej?Przekonajcie się czytając to ff <3

32.3K 58 1.3K Full
Glitter Falling // Larry

In a world of soulmates, two halves feel each other through glee and pain. While one is cut or bruised, the other gets pretty representative flowers in exact same spot. Well, it's known for opposites to attract so what happens when one is the clumsiest and the other is the most reckless? Will they ever find each other, in a world full of flowers designs and fading little scars?Thats a mystery till fairy glitter spreads upon wake them up in a new endless fantasy...Watch Trailer, for better visuals of the story.

21.2K 16 616 Full
He Is My White Tiger

217.5K 31 9.5K Full
My Mate Is A Hunter

Alex is the last of her pack. She had to watch her family get killed by the dead. She runs from everything and everyone. One day while running she runs into a hunter.

319.1K 36 6.7K Full
The Poetic Serial Killer (Ziam Fan Fiction)

129.6K 35 6.5K Full
Baby Blue Eyes (Zayn Malik FanFiction)

Mikayla Davis is one of the most famous teenagers in the world. You'll see her on almost every movie poster and billboard out there. She's had two albums going to the top of the charts. She's talented and beautiful. And on top of all that, she's dating the teen heartthrob from One Direction, Zayn Malik. Mallory Davis is Mikayla's twin sister. The one no one knows. She's not famous. She goes to a regular high school where everyone gushes over her sister and her sister's boyfriend. Unlike everybody else, Mallory absolutely hates Zayn and will do anything to avoid him. The sisters live in two completely different worlds. But what happens when Mikayla gives into the pressure of everybody and begins doing drugs, getting drunk, and partying every single night? She's sent off to rehab, which could ruin her reputation. Her managers don't want that getting out to the public so Mallory is forced to act as her sister. She has to act in movies, perform concerts, and date the boy she hates. Can Mallory handle all of this in her life or will she give in just like her sister?

41.8K 25 924 Full
No Matter What // Zayn Malik

Olivia has had a crush on Zayn Malik from the moment she laid eyes on him, and I mean could you blame her? He was the Bradford Bad Boi with his dark brown eyes, and sweet but rare smile. He had a great singing voice. Or so she was told. Olivia was deaf. Plain and simple. Never heard her own voice, her laugh, or heard her brother Josh Devine play the drums. It was heartbreaking. She felt broken, and helpless. She saw her disability as a curse. Can she maybe look past her insecurities and look at herself the way Zayn sees her?

3.7M 43 74.9K Full
The Hybrid(One Direction-Zouis)

In this twisted, parallel world, leadership is taken by whoever has the most money and power. This person happens to be Louis Tomlinson, the leader of the largest gang mafia in the world. With having the connections and the money, people know not to mess with him or anyone from his group. Zayn Malik, a lowly cat hybrid that's been broken and bruised simply for the purpose of it, is sold to Louis as payment. Here, Zayn doesn't know what to expect but he keeps to himself, able to roam freely here. When Zayn saves Louis from certain death, Louis looks at the shy cat hybrid in a new light, finally noticing the young, scared boy. While making it his mission to bring out the confident side to the scared cat, Louis must also keep Zayn safe from the Creators of the hybrids, who are taking their creations back, and they want the rare jewel that is Zayn.[BEING REWRITTEN]

277.5K 28 7.7K Full
spilled coffee » ziall

niall didn't mean to always be in the way, he couldn't help that he was clumsy and clingy and everything in between.

28.9K 13 1.7K Full
I have TWO Mates!?!

458.1K 31 16K Full
Interracial Preferences (BOOK 2)

It's all in the name! This is Book 2 of the One Direction preferences.(DISCONTINUED)

6K 24 95 Full
Forbidden Love

Mia Malik, Zayn Malik's little sister, by 9 months, hates her older brother. He ruins everything for her, especially her love life. When Mia and Zayn are moved from Bradford to Cheshire due to certain circumstances, all Zayn and Mia do is fight. What's even worse is that their father is saying that Zayn and Mia are breaking apart the family with their mum and them in Cheshire and their father and sister's in Bradford. Things at school don't help with Mia getting a lot of boy's attention including a blonde haired blue eyed Irish chap. But Zayn has to but in and doesn't want Mia to date. This is their forbidden love story.

1.2K 11 26 Full
Drift (Sequel to Louis' Little Sister) *Complete*

(This is book 2 in the Louis' Little Sister series!) Jamie was with her band, Niall with his. When they see each other, they seem like the best couple to ever be seen, but when away from each other, Niall never has time to try the long distance relationship. When rumors spread, hearts break, and friendships form.

73.5K 27 2K Full
Our Modern Fairytale (ZM) [COMPLETED]

WINNER OF THE FANFICTION AWARDS 2017.Ranked #1 out of 77.1k Zayn stories, April 26 2020.Ranked #1 out of 252k Poetry books, May 8 2020.~¤~"You know that I'm not Cinderella's Prince Charming right? I'm a guy with loads of tattoos and a bad boy attitude." "I don't care about who you are or what you look like. Prince Charmings are meant for fairytales anyways." Bad decisions make good stories and that is how our modern fairytale started. ~¤~ COPYRIGHT © Mumal16. All rights reserved. This material may not be brodcast, republished or manipulated. ZAYN MALIK (AU) which means if you aren't a fan of him, you can still read the book because he is not a singer or a member of one direction in this book. Just a normal book character.Cover: @corvums

98.8K 35 8.2K Full

After Kayla's parents die she is sent to an orphanage and lives there for 5 months till Perrie wants to adopt a daughter and the boys all agree. Zayn takes her under his name she thinks everything will be fine. Or will it?

162.4K 44 3.6K Full