Search: vasko
206 stories
Escaping Elysia

A dystopian young adult novel involving romance, secret experiments on human subjects, and a group of teenagers' will to survive. Reader Comments:"I'm gonna gush about your book real quick...all the technology has a purpose and is beautifully explained so I can picture it in my mind...the whole concept of the book is completely original...*moment of silence for your beautiful arch of character development* everything your characters do is strictly them but they develop enough to show more about themselves without you straight up telling the reader about them" -Vairl9023"Ahh!!! This is so good!! I will be anxiously awaiting the next Chapter!!" -CrystalBagot"Brilliant...ohh, this is very catchy, good work" -IndeeMaynard"I love this so far" -BrianneMorris"You've done a great job at creating a mysterious mood" -poisonedpen***All Evita Creedy, 17, wants is to finish her degree and be accepted for a prestigious job with the city's Department of Energy. On the way to take her placement test she sees a man take a gun out of his bag. Panicked, she reaches into her purse for her phone to call 911. Instead she takes out a gun.She doesn't know where it came from or how it got there, but when the man turns his gun on her she shoots him. It would be easy for Evita to forget about where the gun came from and let her life return to normal, but its mysterious appearance won't stop nagging at her. When Evita starts asking questions Evelyn Sheer, the head of the city's Department of Energy, takes her captive and places her in a secret, underground research facility. Evelyn Sheer and the researchers are trying to create a genetic modification that enables humans to photosynthesize. Once in the facility, Evita is tagged as a test subject and loses all say over what happens to her body. She has to escape. By the time she comes up with a plan there is only one problem. Evita isn't ready to leave.

4.3K 51 721 Full
The Unfinished

A young boy, Jonathan Bloke loses the ability express what he feels deep inside his heart after an accident involving someone from his past. 7 years later, John is 15 years old and about to enter High School, but something seems different about this school...Will John be okay?

149 12 30 Full
When You Cry

Apathetic Emugi Hinamura is living a daily life or torment and frustrations, both at school and at home. He mostly shuns it all away and keeps himself in his room studying, away from others, until he is one day forced to interact with the new student at their school after an unexpected meeting.

63 14 3 Full

537 22 43 Full
The Bearded Man

A short horror story

14 1 0 Full
Dark Thriver

In a world where most things are born with the ability to produce magic, with over 60% affinity, the last Japanese boy, Riku, lives with 0,1% magic as Japanese people are genetically born with less magic, but Riku's is especially low even for a Japanese! One day, he meets someone that changes his life forever!

117 26 39 Full
Mountains and Humans

This short story compares mountains to humans.

16 1 1 Full
The One Amongst Me

Alec Khrom, an aspiring blacksmith taking up after his father, living in the world of Klanimia, a place where creatures known as Holy Maidens exist, which are used for fighting or everyday work.Alec finds himself disinterested in the Maidens and only concentrates on perfecting his gift, trying to create the perfect sword for himself that would for his every muscle until he once ends up in an interaction with one of the Seven Legendary Maidens, used for the War of Blue Eye, taking place every decade and a half.(This is pretty much my own way of expressing my admiration for the Fate series, which is amazing. I'll try to make it my own thing and not blatantly copy it.)

46 36 2 Full
The Adventures of Low Budget Man Part I

Low Budget Man is a new breed of superhero who fights to address the problem of wealth distribution across America (it's funny I think) Please read, rate, and leave comments!

39 1 1 Full
Bara kyss mig

Elin, en 15 årig tjej som inte kan hantera känslor på bästa sättet. Hilda, hennes bästa vän, och hennes kille gör slut på grund av otrohet och då splittras hela deras vänkrets. Fast Elin börjar långsamt fatta känslor för Dennis, Hildas exs bästa vän. Och detta kommer hon inte undan obemärkt. Deras vänskap sätts på spel. Hur fixar hon det här egentligen?De här är min första bok så ha lite respekt för det. Men var ändå inte rädd att rätta mig eller komma med kritik. Jag är inte en lätt kränkt människa.

132 7 8
Szerelmem története

Egy novella egy lányról és az első szerelméről."Szerelem első látásra. Amikor a feniletilamin szintje már első pillantásra az egekbe szökik. Amikor a szív dobogásától megszűnik minden külvilági zaj. Amikor a rózsaszín köd mindent beterít és az ítélőképesség megszűnik létezni. Vannak, akik ezt bolondságnak hívják, de én csak szerelemnek."~a történet saját, ne lopd!!! Köszi<3~bármi féle hasonlóság más könyv és ez között a véletlen műve~jó olvasást^^

2 1 0 Full

Fakty o legende 80.rokov a najväčšom sexsymbolovi aký kedy žil.

90 41 0
A New Life In Another World: Volume 2

Damien is now enjoying his new life in another world after going through some trial and errors like being a wanted criminal and being hunted down by the kingdoms of the world. With all that settled, Damien can now relax and not worry about any more trouble. Only that's not the case. Despite getting a better life than his previous one, the Champion of Darkness is surrounded by more and more trouble by the day. Not only that, but it seems an evil force is lurking through the shadows, trying to cause some chaos. What will the Champion do when his peace and quiet are being interrupted by some unknown enemy?

49K 126 3.6K Full
Hyungseok harem

Pelbagain stories oneshoots Hyungseok×the harem.Karakter semuanya asli milik park taejoon ,saya hanya meminjamnya :)

10.9K 4 692
Eternal Loss

In modern day Japan, curses have become as common as an everyday cold, ranging from the rank of C to S. Judai Kikano was forced to inherit a curse surpassing the rank of S from his mother, with her dying right after, leading to the problem of his life.As a student of Subamashi Academy, an academy for active combat, Judai remains at the straight middle. Not getting credit for any victories in his record or any losses at all, somehow maintaining a position as a student. But an encounter with one of the academy's elites shows the disparity of the curse.

17 10 0
Lackadaisy X male human reader one shots.

Conner is a 20 year old, who loves Lackadaisy a lot and wishes to meet the characters in person, and the next day his wish comes true as he gets teleported to the world of Lackadaisy and ends up meeting the whole Lackadaisy crew who all tell Conner that they have a big crush on him as Conner who is of course loves the hole Lackadaisy crew starts to date them, as their go on all sorts of dates.

1.2K 11 12
Bunny is a Predator? •||• Lookism! Various x Oc

A: "Reality sucks." B: "With a pretty face, nice figure, everything would go much better." A: "Add money and fortune too." 'Ah... that's true. If only I had those, I wouldn't be living like this.' The main character of this story is woman who got reincarnated to Lookism as a Girl around 16. Before she reincarnated, Haze was a underground fighter, a champion tagged as the monster in every fight. Appearance? Just like what everyone called her, a monster. Scars and bruises covered her disfigured bulky and muscular body, tall and towering frame, scary and ugly face that can't be associated with the word feminine.She had enough of this life of hers and falls unconscious on the fighting arena. "If I had a wish, I'd want to have a happy life and be pretty like everyone else.." "[As you wish]" a voice said. With that Haze found herself in the popular webtoon she read in her highschool days."My wish... it gave me a chance." _________________________________🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹Hello~ Author here~ This is a various x oc ff!I honestly wanted to do this ff for a while hahah so finally here we are! Please read and support my story ♡ thank you!Also the lookism webtoon doesn't belong to me! Only the oc and few modified story lines.⚠️HEAVY SPOILERS

67.6K 7 3.2K
Intikamda Aşk


227 13 28
Ghouls- A Kaneki X reader fanfiction

You were always a ghoul. A extremely rare type of ghoul... You are supreme! Normal ghouls have red eyes when hungry, but you have a deathly gold one. Only one too! Not only are you a one-eye, but you're one of a kind. No ghoul is like you. You're a myth, a supposed 'folk tale'. You're no folk tale. You go by the name of Yuri Miskoyo, since the doves only know of your real name, (f/n, l/n). No dove has seen your face due to your mask of golden outlining of a masquerade mask, revealing only your eyes. You decide to move to the 20th ward, because the 11th was getting old. Then you meet Touka, Hinami, Kaneki, Nishiki, etc. How will this myth handle being found?

132.8K 23 4.3K Full

Rhea je osemnáťročná žena ktorá bola vždy kľudná po svojej matke až pokiaľ jej otec nepovedal jednu novinu. Rhea si vždy myslela že je dosť silná no po zrade od jej otca bude buď silnejšia alebo slabšia. Nikdy si ani nepredstavovala, že sa jej niečo takého stane. Alexander je syn najmocnejšieho mafiána v Rusku a okoli neboja sa ničoho a nikoho. Žena či muž je im to jedno nemajú v sebe kúsok citu či lásky. Musia veľa obetovať a nikdy sa nevzdávajú bez boja. Podľa ľudí sú to chodiace zvery bez duše. Osud vždy všetko zariadi inak a my ľudia sa len prispôsobíme danej situácii. Chcem vás len upozorniť, že tu budú nadávky a sexuálne scénky je to na každom rozvazeni. Prajem vám príjemne čítanie. 🫶24.1.24 - srdce 🥇28.1.24 - láska 🥇

464 12 77
Falling Apart (And Rolling With It)

Now on Amazon! First five chapters up as excerptFrankie and Gillian have had their super rivalry for way too long. Frankie, aka Masko the psychic hero, is tired of the same routine. Gillian, aka Char the pyro villain, enjoys the ongoing battles and wouldn't trade her silly villainous fun for anything.However, a new threat invades the city of Livingstein, and Frankie becomes paralyzed by the attack. While the hero gets accustomed to her new lifestyle and slowly rebuilds her psychic network destroyed in the attack, the devastated villain is out on a hunt for The Devastator, aka the new villain with a dumb name. She doesn't care that he's a fellow bad guy; all she wants is for her super rivalry to return to normal. And he made it very difficult by crippling her enemy.As for The Devastator, there are other plans he has for the two supers.

83.5K 6 1.5K Full
Love Story

Tento příběh je pro silné povahy velkého srdce. Doufám, že s příběh o dívce jménem Juliet Witferová a chlapci Maxmiliánovi bude líbit. Smutný příběh plného napětí se na vás těší. :) LOVE Story.

3.9K 18 290 Full
Thrandruil x reader

This does not follow any of the books or films story line but does contain elements of them. Y/N is one of the princess's of Alqualonde her twin sister, Laeanna, being her polar opposite. While Y/N is calm, composed and trained in fighting and healing her sister is prone to tantarums and complains at the slightest speck of mud. Their family often travel to Mirkwood as they are friends with King Oropher and the two realms trade together. Thrandruil and Y/N meet and become good friends but then lose contact when an orc war starts and the two kingdoms have far more important things than two young elves with a budding friendship but the two are reunited a years later on the battle field.Thank you too @vaskozabata5555 for the idea,names and outfits.

12.8K 41 345 Full
Must Sümfoonia

Sirena on tüdruk, kes on oma elu alati nautinud täiel rinnal. Tal oli kõik olemas - parim sõbranna Heather ja perekond. Ühel päeval läheb aga Heather kaduma ning Sirena otsustab ta ükskõik kuidas ja mis hinna eest üles otsida. Algul peab ta tegema vaherahu sõbranna venna, Rioniga, kuid tõelised katsumused on veel ees .. Tüdruk, kes pole mitte kunagi uskunud maavälistesse jõududesse, peab korraga meelt muutma. Kas ta leiab Heatheri üles? Mis tõkked on Saatus tema teele paisanud?

27.7K 40 2K Full
Nezvanou mafiánskou sestrou

Dvadsať ročná Sonja Morozov hľadá pomoc u svojho nevlastného mafiánskeho brata Jaspera Larsona, aby sa skryla pred dohodnutým sobášom. Muž, ktorý ju chce je krutý a zákerný a jediná možnosť ako sa sobášu vyhnúť je požiadať o pomoc mafiu. Mafiu, ktorá jediná ju môže zachrániť. Mafiu, ktorej súčasťou je aj ona.Nekompromisný a atraktívny Marcus Crooger je hlavný poradca Sonjinho mafiánskeho brata. Na prvý pohľad je to chladný a nemilosrdný muž so srdcom z kameňa, ktorý pred svetom ukrýva tajomstvo, o akom by žiadna žena nemala vedieť. Avšak zdanie občas klame a vo svojom vnútri má niečo viac ako len hnev.Lenže čo ak tajomstvo Sonji je bolestivejšie ako Marcusa? Dokáže v rozdielnych osobách vzniknúť vzájomná láska? Sú ich srdcia schopné niekoho milovať?Prečítajte si príbeh dvoch mladých ľudí, ktorí si mysleli, že slovo 'láska' nikdy nezažijú....16+

2.5K 10 142
Ask Or Dare The Multifandom...... #2

YEA ITS BACK WOOOOOO- OH OH Ask Or Dare series it is good to be back! ..... not for everyone else tho- I suggest you read the first one, if you like I don't make the rules here... well yea but- YOU GET WHAT I MEAN....Also note that I don't own any of the characters here other than my ocs-

4.3K 107 168 Full