Search: valeriesloane
1 stories
Skeletons in the closet

"It's okay, everyone has skeletons in the closet and that's normal"Sebastian was quiet for a moment, "Skeletons in the closet...I like that." "But if you can't get rid of a skeleton in the closet, you best take it out and teach it to dance." Valerie continued, staring wistfully ahead at nothing in particular. He stared at her, confused."It means accepting your mistakes... by accepting ourselves - all of us. That's what it is about, isn't it?-Skeletons in the closet: something bad that has happened in someone's past and that is kept secret. Valerie Sloane was accepted into Hogwarts as a 7th year student and possesses a rare ability to harness ancient magic. Yet, as the powerful force surges within her, she realises that this power is a double edged sword - she must quickly learn to control it, before it controls her.On the other side of the spectrum, Sebastian Sallow will do whatever it takes to find a cure for his sister, Anne, who was brutally cursed - even if that meant meddling in the dark arts. An unlikely friendship was forged between the Hufflepuff and the Slytherin. Valerie and Sebastian, like two moths drawn to the flame, find themselves navigating a dangerous path together. Can they defeat the adversaries that lie in their way, or will they succumb to the magic they failed to control? [strangers to lovers]-Note: - This story loosely follows the plot of Sebastian's quest line and will contain spoilers to the Hogwarts Legacy game. - All characters except for Valerie belong to Portkey games, Warner Bros. Games, Avalanche software and the wizarding world franchise. All rights belong to them. Some dialogue and scenes are taken directly out of the game, again, all rights to the creators. - The characters are aged up.TW: Mature themes (death, grief, illness, blood and strong language)

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